Sheila, the Cat-Woman Rogue


Type Aspect
High Concept: Numan (Cat-woman) scout that doesn’t know the concept of property
Motivation: Know ALL THE PLACES!!!
Background: Gather ALL THE ARTIFACTS!!!
Relationship: Don’t mess up with my friends
Free: Doesn’t respect hierarchies

Approaches and Skills

Careful (C) Clever (F) Flashy (E) Forceful (D) Quick (A) Sneaky (B)
Fair (+2) Mediocre (+0) Average (+1) Average (+1) Good (+3) Fair (+2)
Investigate (Z) Craft Rapport (Z) Fight Athletics (S) Burglary (S)
Will Lore Contacts Physique Notice (Z) Stealth
Empathy Provoke Resources Drive (Z) Shoot Deceive (Z)

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • Claws: Weapon 1 when Fighting bare-handed, on a Success with a Style becomes Weapon 2. Can’t be Disarmed
  • Chakram: Weapon 2 when Attacking with Shoot, Disarmed on a Failure
  • Heightened Senses: can use Notice as by the Approach if using her senses to Overcoming obstacles

Sa’akhir, the Faeryn bard


Type Aspect
High Concept: A Gallant Faeryn bard looking for stories and their glories
Motivation: I need to collect all histories in Umdaar
Background: Bold, boasty and chilvarious even under pressure
Relationship: Natva’s history is so tragic everyone in Umdaar should know
Free: One of the last Faeryn alive

Approaches and Skills

Careful (F) Clever (B) Flashy (A) Forceful (E) Quick (D) Sneaky (C)
Mediocre (+0) Fair (+2) Good (+3) Average (+1) Average (+1) Fair (+2)
Investigate Craft (Z) Rapport (S) Fight Athletics Burglary
Will Lore (S) Contacts Physique (Z) Notice (Z) Stealth (Z)
Empathy Provoke Resources (Z) Drive Shoot Deceive

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • Inspiration Songs: as long he can be heard and sacrifice all his actions (including Defenses), he can provide +2 Teamwork bonus for all actions in a turn, once per scene.
  • Love and War Songs: +2 on Creating Advantages with Rapport when using his songs and histories to inspire or remember past things
  • Scoff and cuss Songs: +2 on Attack with Provoke when using his songs and histories to scorn or provoke fear on enemies

Leona, the Beast-Tamer


Type Aspect
High Concept: A Human that grew with the beasts
Motivation: Bring back the equilibrium between Man and Nature
Background: “The Demiurge used Nature as playground, the Masters exploits them”
Relationship: That K-23 thing is dangerous, even being at our side
Free: Ta’reen, my laserbear soul-sister, is my biggest ally

Approaches and Skills

Careful (F) Clever (B) Flashy (E) Forceful (C) Quick (A) Sneaky (D)
Mediocre (+0) Fair (+2) Average (+1) Fair (+2) Good (+3) Average (+1)
Investigate Craft Rapport Fight Athletics Burglary
Will Lore (Z) Contacts (Z) Physique Notice (S) Stealth
Empathy Provoke (S) Resources Drive (Z) Shoot (Z) Deceive (Z)

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • Heart of the Beast: +2 to Create Advantages with Rapport when dealing with her knowledge on beasts
  • Leader of the Pack: Once per Scene she can bring some kind of animal (including mutants, but not inteligent beasts) and command them to act on her behalf via Rapport rolls, as Overcome rolls. She can’t force them to do suicide actions or actions against their nature. The player picks the bioform as part of a High Concept Aspect and name the species (or specific individual, if wanted). The GM gives an Aspect representing the most bestial essence of the animal.
  • Ta’reen, the laser-bear: Leona has a soul-sister, a special animal to whom she’s somewhat linked via her essence. Ta’reen can be brought to the game to join Leona on battle or do actions on her behalf. This can be done once per session at free (extra calls needs 1 FP). Ta’reen can stay on scene for one scene. Ta’reen can be attacked, and her damage can be swapped with Leona and vice-versa.
    • Ta’reen, the laser-bear:
      • Humans are weird and foul-smelling (except Leona)
      • Skilled (+2) on: bear stuff
      • Stress 4, Weapon 2 (Laser Claws)
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