Terrance Choi

This character follow the Character Creation rules from Fate Core, including the specific things from Nest.

One of the Asian guys in the neighborhood, Terrance was seen either as a nerdy guy and as a ninja. Not that this was totally false, as he was a Hero of Nest, the Master Monk from the Eagle Peak, a mountain chain in Epoch where he “grew”, using his dreams as a way to “practice” and find excellence into the Mantis Kung-Fu his family teaches. When he “get out” Nest, he grew up into one of the main trainers for those interested into Kung-Fu, and even some UFC and Mixed-Martial Arts fighters came here to learn some of this.

However, in his heart, he is a more simple guy: he likes simple food, his animals (two dogs and a cat), and caring for some tranquil hobbies, like Go playing, Bonsai caring and Sumi-e (japanese calligraphy) writing. And, day after day, he grows melancholic about those simple time into Nest. Only his close friends, like Amanda, Celine and so, can talk with him about amenities. But he never said for any of them about Nest…


Kind Aspect
Heroic Concept: Master Monk from the Eagle Peak
Mundane Life: Kung-Fu lineage heir, teacher and academy owner
Hook: A growing melancholy in his heart
  Simple pastimes for a complex mind
  “Friends are better than gold”


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Athletics      
Good (+3) Fight Will    
Fair (+2) Shoot Notice Empathy  
Average (+1) Deceive Rapport Lore Crafts

Stunts (not at start)

  • Element-Bending: When taking this Stunt, choose one Element and an Action: anytime you want to do something that is related with that element (the GM says if it is) AND can be done by that action, you receive +2 in the roll, and even failing you could be successful with a small cost.

Talisman (to be recovered)

The Robe of the Weapons Master

A Robe done with a light fabric, it could look for the untrained eye as a simple monk robe, but in fact he is The Robe that Holds All Weapons. Disputed by many Heroes of Nest during the time, the Robe of the Weapons Master is a robe that is prized by its effect of providing those who wear it with any needed weapon as long the robe is worn.

  • You receive +2 into all Fight actions, and even if you fail, you can be Successful at a minor cost
  • Once in a scene, do a Create Advantage roll with Fight. If successful, you put in a target a Weapon Weakness Aspect, with one Free Invoke . You can use this Aspect as long you still worn the Robe. Even you fail this test, you still receive a Weak Spot Boost, like if you tied the test.

Sean O’Mahoney

This character follow the Character Creation rules from Fate Core, including the specific things from Nest.

Created in a “Might is Right” kind of family, Sean had grown up as a bully, and so it was his Nest alter-ego, as the Bad-Ass Ogre Warsinger from Epoch, a barbarian that had all time to fight for what he liked, either by gold, glory, honor and (sometimes) even for goodness. More than a time he fought against heroes, to be won and fight aside them, by siding those stronger than himself and learning the importance of doing the right thing.

In our world, however, he grew up bullying all guys from neighborhood, till his old school gave his family a “last resort” solution for his aggresiveness: he was sent to military college, where he suffered a lot. Nest time was the only thing that saved him to turn himself into a psychopathic trigger-happy soldier. He was still a fighter, but he develop himself some code of honor and duty.

That was till 9/11, when Bin Laden had turned the world bonkers.

Sean was into one of the many mission to catch Bin Laden in Afghanistan, when a mine had exploded the Hummer where he was. He was in the turret, so he was ejected from it by the explosion and the some of the mine shrapel had hit him. He still had time and consciousness into the sharp pain to fight some of the tangos that placed the mine into the road and save some of their group while they waited for an extraction team to rescue them. He did all this in the ground: in the chopper, he was knocked out by a high-dosage morphine injection.

When he woke up, he had noted he could not feel his legs: his spinal chord was hitted and he lost his movements into the legs. He was honrably discharged, even with some medals, but the money was going out very fast with his treatment. Even worse: he could not take another job because he could not work into a wheelchair. That was until a guy from the old times, one of the nerds he thrashed once in a while, had offered him a job as a User Experience Analyst. He did well learning his new job, but sometimes he can’t work okay, as the nightmares from Afghanistan still haunts him, rendering him useless during his Post-Stress Trauma Disease surges. And sometimes, he still wants he would still in Nest forever, specially at some nights, when the PTSD strikes hard, and he gets into the night, alone, crying in fetal stance remembering his dead friends and all he did in the past.


Kind Aspect
Heroic Concept: Bad-ass Warsinger Ogre from Epoch
Mundane Life: PSTD diagnosed, Wheelchair-locked, ex-soldier
Hook: Real life is now, and it hurts like hell
  Bullied a lot, had been a jock and finished alone
  Each pill is a venom, but the pain is even worse


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Physique      
Good (+3) Fight Shoot    
Fair (+2) Deceive Notice Provoke  
Average (+1) Investigate Will Lore Crafts (Music)

Stunts (not at start)

  • Battle Cry: can use Provoke, once in a conflict, to put a Frighted Aspect into his enemies, if he can sing a battle warcry before the conflict start properly (i.e., before any Attack being rolled). For this, he can sacrifice his first attack and use this Stunt before anyone else attacks.

Talisman (to be recovered)

The Guitar-Axe

The Guitar-Axe is the crossover of a big two-bladed axe and a Fly-V guitar, being The Axe that brings the Music of Dread for those who hears it notes. This axe is very big and came with his own special hilt that allows the user to put it at his back and so on easily. He looks like it was embedded into tar, being blacker than night itself, and the cords are as silver as the moon. Those who use the Guitar-Axe can put the fear into its enemies’ hearts easily, and also can also destroy almost anything and anyone in its path.

  • You can Mentally Attack using Crafts using the Guitar-Axe. Once in a conflict, also, you receive a +2 into this and even if you fail, you can be successful at a minor cost
  • When Attacking with the Guitar-Axe, you receive +2 in Fight and even if you fail, you can be successful at a minor cost

Celina Armstrong

This character follow the Character Creation rules from Fate Core, including the specific things from Nest.

From a Family of Gifted Artistes, Celina was linked from her childhood to the arts. So, when she came to Nest, it was only natural that she turned into The Bestest Magic Apprentice from Conumdrum, using wits, cunning, and skills to solve the Riddles for everyone, taking all the mysteries and learning about the magic and how “magic” was only a definition for the mysterious and wondrous that you can’t really understand.

In our world, after her time in Nest, she get into a major in Acting, perfected her magicians and clown skills, and auditioned for a time at the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus, where she are since some seasons. In the meantime she still maintained contact with Amanda Wesker, her best friend. She still have contact with all her friends, as she’s still a kid into her heart, loyal with her friends.


Kind Aspect
Heroic Concept: The Bestest Magic Apprentice from Conumdrum
Mundane Life: Multi-talented Artiste, Clown and Magician
Hook: A Kid at her heart, even more than many kids
  Loyal to her friends to a fault
  Amanda is a great friend


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Crafts      
Good (+3) Lore Rapport    
Fair (+2) Empathy Notice Investigate  
Average (+1) Will Athletics Deceive Provoke

Stunts (not at start)

  • Putting the tongue out: She can use Crafts in place of Provoke to Mentally Attack
  • Sleight of Hand: She can use Crafts instead of Burglary to take things or hide things, as long they are small

Talisman (to be recovered)

The Sorcerer’s Hat

Looking like Yen Sid one from Fantasia’s Sorcerer’s Apprendice, this is The Hat With All Magical Knowledge from Conundrum. Curiously, this is used only by those who still didn’t understand the Riddle of Magic. Anyway, this provides the user with lots of mystical knowledge as long as he uses it.

  • You receive +2 into all magical related rolls, and even when fails, you can be successful at a minor cost;
  • Choose one into Crafts, Lore, Will and Deceive. You can use this is skill instead of any other in magical-related rolls.
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