Um Garoto Problemático

Cena 1 - Briefing

Os personagens são contactados por Joffrey, uma calopsita que é conhecida por ser uma das mensageiras favoritas do Velho Nick (ou de qualquer um dos personagens que seja controlador da Fazenda de onde os personagens vieram). Ele repassa para os demais a missão:

Existe na cidade um garoto chamado Rodrigo, que já está na marca do cal faz tempo, nunca tendo saído desde a mais tenra infância da Lista dos Malvados. Vocês sabem que os Maiorais dos Malvados possuem direito sobre qualquer criança que fique por muito tempo na Lista dos Malvados. Então, o Velho Nick acha que eles vão mandar o Krampus atrás desse garoto se ele não se corrigir até a véspera do Natal.

O que Joffrey disse é verdade: esse garoto Rodrigo é bem conhecido por todos os animais da cidade como um valentão folgado. Em especial, todos os animais da cidade (até onde se sabe) temem seu pitbull, Lancaster, que ele atiça contra qualquer bicho da cidade: os próprios personagens já tiveram que cuidar dos ferimentos de muitos que Lancaster atacou e (glup!) ajudar alguns a irem ao veterinário após ferimentos muito sérios.

Algumas questões que os personagens possam fazer:

Sabemos porque esse tal Rodrigo é tão Malvado?

Os pais dele o mimaram demais, dando a entender que ele pode fazer o que quiser se ele for forte o bastante. Manja aquele lance “Força é Direito”?

Os personagens sabem que Rodrigo vive em um parte muito rica da cidade, mas não sabiam desse detalhes. Se os personagens questionarem como o Velho Nick sabe disso, Joffrey dá de ombro (de asas?) e diz que “o Velho Nick tem seus modos”. Isso quer dizer que outros Strays da cidade estão vigiando o Rodrigo (e outras crianças Más, provavelmente) para o Velho Nick.

E por que Os Maiorais dos Malvados querem esse garoto?

Sabem o que os Maiorais dos Malvados fazem com esses garotos que eles pegam de vez em quando, não? Eles viram serviçais como o Krampus para os mesmos.

Uma das coisas que todo Stray sabe é que essa Guerra Fria entre os Bons e os Maus existe e que cada lado trás para junto de si todas as forças que pode: os Bons com Strays e outras criaturas bondosas, enquanto os Maus com criaturas como o Krampus e o Velho do Saco.

Alguma sugestão de como tirar o Rodrigo da Lista dos Malvados?

Sincreamente não sei, mas acho que um bom começo é fazer com que ele pare de ser um valentão com os que são menores que ele. Talvez um bom caminho seja por meio de Lancaster, mas vocês terão que tomar cuidado. Outra coisa é tentar convencer ele a ajudar alguns garotos mais novos, percebendo que é errado ser um valentão.

É uma missão típica de um Stray tentar convencer os humanos a deixarem de ser maus, por meio de seu carinho e tudo o mais. Então parece bastante razoável tentar de tudo para tirar Rodrigo da Lista dos Malvados.

Alguma chance do Krampus aparecer enquanto estivermos realizando a tarefa?

Não sei, mas fica a dica: se ele aparecer, CORRAM! Não tentem interferir. O Krampus é muito forte e mais de um Stray que achou que podia com ele acabou desaparecendo. Isso é uma coisa que o Velho Nick pediu para deixar bem claro: aconteça o que acontecer, NÃO MEXAM COM O KRAMPUS!. Ele é muito mais forte que vocês, é extremamente cruel e nunca joga fora das Regras. Então, se vocês interferirem, ele poderá, e com razão, fazer qualquer coisa contra vocês.

Fica claro que a missão dos personagens deve ser tirar o garoto da Lista dos Malvados antes do Krampus aparecer. Caso isso aconteça, devem dar a missão por perdida.

Teremos algum tipo de ajuda?_

Acho que tem um camundongo perdido por aí que pode os ajudar: o nome dele é Govinda e vive na região da escola onde o Rodrigo vive.

Govinda é um camundongo selvagem, e não é um Stray, ainda que seja Bom de coração. Ele vive perto de lá e já tentou convencer Rodrigo de que não é legal ser Mal. Mas como ele (assim como nenhum Stray) fala a língua dos humanos, fica muito difícil.

E quem esse Rodrigo tá judiando? Talvez a gente consiga ajudar ele primeiro e, por tabela, o Rodrigo

Existem dois humanos em especial que podem ser ajudados: uma menina chamada Helena, que ele pega no pé por ser menina, e um garoto chamado Raistlin que acabou de se mudar. Esse último é um garoto nerd que sofre um bullying pesado e se sente solitário.

Algum dos Strays pode pensar que uma forma de ajudar seria reforçar o espírito de Raistlin, colocando Govinda na jogada. Mas não é tão simples assim: Rodrigo costuma mandar Lancaster atacar aqueles de quem ele não gosta.

Provavelmente os personagens terão mais perguntas a fazer. Nesse caso, responda como achar que deve. Mas não deixe os personagens perguntando por muito tempo: Joffrey deve enfatizar que de certa forma o tempo para Rodrigo está se esgotando.

Provavelmente os personagens tentarão encontrar algum dos personagens. Cada um deles tem sua própria cena

Cena 2 - Govinda

Os personagens podem ir até perto da escola se desejarem localizar Govinda. Em especial, é mais fácil o achar durante a noite, ainda mais se tiverem um pouco de comida que possam o oferecer (ele é um camundongo de rua, então tem que se virar para achar comida). Govinda é um camundongo da rua, mas possui um pouco de camundongo de estimação: sua pelugem não é totalmente cinza, como a de um camundongo de rua, mas ele tem pelugem malhada de marrom e branco, o que indica que tem sangue de camundongo do campo e de estimação (ou de laboratório) em suas veias.

Govinda é simpático com os demais, mesmo com Strays que sejam predadores naturais de ratos, como gatos ou corujas: ele sabe sobre os Strays e é Do Bem, podemos dizer assim. Entretanto, ele está cada vez mais cético sobre conseguir um lar e já pensa em abandonar a cidade novamente, como já fez várias vezes no passado.

Os personagens podem desejar fazer perguntas a Govinda:

Você já viu o tal Rodrigo?

Sim… Já tentei me aproximar de outros garotos… Sabe, estou tentando a muito tempo conseguir um lar, porque não quero viver sozinho. Mas esse Rodrigo sempre fica fazendo bullying com os outros.

Rodrigo é bastante distinguível, e se eles convecerem Govinda a os ajudar, ele poderá oferecer uma Descrição de Rodrigo, mas a um Preço, que é os Strays o ajudarem a conseguir um lar. O que não deveria ser difícil, já que Govinda é um camundongo bem limpinho para um camundongo de rua.

E o tal do Lancaster?

Ele é uma peste! Ataca qualquer um que apareça por perto, e já tivemos, eu e outros que vivem aqui por perto, de convencer algum humano a levar os que ele atacam ao veterinário! Eu mesmo não escapei do “batismo” do Lancaster.

Os personagens poderão ver que parte da orelha esquerda de Govinda foi arrancada a mordidas, e qualquer um poderá perceber que isso se deve a Lancaster.

O Rodrigo tem ajuda?

Ele faz parte de uma pequena turma de valentões que fica depois da escola farreando próximo à quadra. Alguns deles até mesmo bebem e fumam à escondida. Esse não deveria ser o comportamento de garotos de escola.

Essa é uma informação nova, que provavelmente nem mesmo Joffrey tinha, o fato de Rodrigo andar em turma. Porém, isso apenas piora as coisas, uma vez que são Vários Garotos Maus em uma turma, e isso apenas indica que ele não está afim de melhorar.

Sabe de alguma coisa que o Rodrigo faça que não seja maldade?

Sinceramente, considero aquele garoto um caso perdido. Eu sei que você devem estar querendo o proteger, e é a missão de vocês enquanto Strays. Mas sinceramente, acho que vocês estão perdendo seu tempo.

Govinda já está um tanto cético e desiludido com a vida, e essa forma de ver Rodrigo indica um pouco isso. Entretanto, nenhum dos personagens percebe que na realidade Rodrigo tem problemas para se expressar.

De qualquer modo, os personagens poderão ajudar se perceberem quem é Rodrigo de verdade.

Cena 3 - Rodrigo e a Gangue

Os personagens aparecerão no dia seguinte diante da Escola e verão Rodrigo com Lancaster, atrapalhando e zoando alguns garotos. Rodrigo irá mexer com um garoto de óculos que está junto com uma menina, que ele irá empurrar no chão. Estes são Raistlin e Helena. Se os personagens ajudarem, poderão arrumar confusão com Lancaster, e com certeza isso será um conflito entre Lancaster e os personagens. Os personagens logo poderão notar a dificuldade de Lancaster, mas não terão tempo de seguir adiante com um conflito: alguns dos garotos que acompanham Rodrigo irão partir para cima dos personagens. Por um lado isso será ruim para os personagens, pois eles deverão fugir, mas isso irá tirar Rodrigo de cima dos dois garotos. Mestre, se algum deles quiser descrever comop Raistlin e Helena os ajudam, permita como um teste de Criar Vantagem de Maneira Sorrateira, resistido pelo Cuidadoso dos dois. Entretanto, em caso de sucesso, ofereça a eles um Ponto de Destino e permita que eles descrevam como Raistlin e Helena os ajudam: obviamente os dois irão sofrer algum tipo de soco ou empurrão mais forte, mas os mesmos perceberão que Podem lidar com os valentões, sendo Fortes se unidos pela Amizade (coloque como parte dos Aspectos de Raistlin e Helena)

Os personagens poderão de repente acompanhar os dois garotos ao final do dia, mas deixe claro que Strays não podem mais ser bichos de estimação: o tempo deles como tal já acabou, e voltar a tal depende de uma autorização do Velho Nick, que só ocorreria em caso de uma missão muito bem sucedida.

Na mesma noite, qualquer Stray que passe em um teste Cuidadoso Ótimo (+4) sentirá calafrios estranhos. Um Sucesso com Estilo irá permitir que eles ouçam um grito de desespero. Se eles correrem até onde o grito surgiu, eles verão apenas os sapatos de um garoto, que eles reconhecerão com um teste Cuidadoso ou Esperto Regular (+1) como sendo os sapatos de um dos garotos da gangue. Eles verão também uma sombra ao longe, e ouvirão uma risada sinistra…

O Krampus chegou à cidade! O Tempo está se esgotando!

Cena 4 - Lancaster

Os personagens podem tentar conversar com Lancaster, mas antes deverão o convencer a se abrir, o que não é nada fácil: ele gosta de bancar o durão. Apenas uma intimidação bem séria ou uma vitória dos personagens em um conflito físico, ou descobrir sua Dificuldade, irá convencer Lancaster a conversar com os personagens.

O que você vê no Rodrigo?

Ele me encontrou por aí, quando meu antigo dono me treinava para brigas de cães, e me tirou de lá. Eu não imaginava que iria sobreviver àquele pesadelo: se olharem meu pelo, vão perceber as falhas que ainda tenho do “treinamento”

É verdade: não é necessário sequer testes para perceber as falhas no pelo de Lancaster, além de cicatrizes de outras lesões.

Então na realidade ele não é mau?

Olha só: eu já ouvi o que os outros animais acham do Rodrigo, mas ele não é mau. Os outros meninos também abusam dele, sabia? Eles ficam dizendo que ele é tão Forte quanto um Touro e tão esperto quanto. Dizer que alguém é burro não é uma forma de bullying também?

Apesar de tudo, é inegável que Lancaster tem alguma razão, pelo menos: dizer que uma pessoa é burra não deixa de ser uma forma de ofensa. O problema, e os personagens deverão ter muito tato para explicar isso a Lancaster, é que apesar de tudo, ossos não são quebrados nesse momento. Se os personagens tiverem uma boa diplomacia, entretanto, eles poderão convencer Lancaster de que Rodrigo tem que demonstrar amizade de outras formas que não pelos punhos.

Já ouviu falar no Krampus?

Lancaster dá de ombros ao ouvir essa pergunta: nem ele nem Rodrigo ouviram falar no Krampus. Se os personagens decidirem explicar o objetivo final do Krampus na cidade, Lancaster ficará realmente assustado: chutar bundas de alguns bichinhos para ajudar na auto-confiança de Rodrigo é uma coisa, agora enfrentar uma criatura sobrenatural como o Krampus, muito mais forte e inteligente que os dois juntos é outros quinhentos! Ele então com certeza será convencido a agir ao lado dos personagens, embora mesmo Lancaster não possa fazer nada para impedir nesse momento.

Nesse momento, os personagens ouvirão novamente um grito, e outro par de sapatos será encontrado.

O Krampus está acelerando seu passo! Se demorarem demais, os personagens colocarão tudo a perder!

Cena 5 - Raistlin e Helena

Os personagens encontrarão Raistlin e Helena em uma barraca no quintal da casa de um deles: Lancaster, ou um outro animal qualquer irá os guiar até lá. Eles estarão operando um computador (Raistlin) e lendo um livro de lendas (Helena). Se algum dos personagens conhecer alguma coisa sobre entender os idiomas dos seres humanos (muito raro, pois exige Façanha), perceberão que eles estão conversando sobre como Rodrigo é mal. Nesse momento, Helena estará com a página aberta em uma imagem que todos o que verem reconhecerão como o Krampus. Qualquer forma de se comunicar com Raistlin e Helena será com dificuldade Fantástica (+6): lembre-se que eles são animais e portanto não sabem falar a língua dos humanos, mas poderão arriscar-se com gestos e tal. Entretanto, eles não irão saber que o alvo do Krampus na realidade não são eles, mas sim Rodrigo e (agora eles sabem) a Gangue de Malvados. Em caso de um Sucesso com Estilo, os personagens conseguirão convencer os dois de que o alvo é Rodrigo, mas aí será outra batalha desse tipo para convencer Raistlin e Helena que eles podem (e devem, já que agora sabem disso, e portanto não podem se esquivar) ajudar Rodrigo. Essa última coisa pode ser facilitada se os personagens estiverem com Lancaster.

Em caso de muitas tensões nos testes, os personagens podem continuar fazendo testes e, com tensões o bastante (a Critério do Narrador), poderão descobrir a Dificuldade do Krampus: ele não ataca ninguém que lhe ofereça frutas, e qualquer um que o fizer poderá obter informações e, com um pouco de sorte, favores. Isso poderá ser útil mais àdiante

Cena 6 - Samuel, Rodrigo e O Krampus

Acontecerá então que os personagens irão se encontrar a noite com toda a ajuda que conseguiram. Não permita muitos dias para os personagens gastar, eles devem resolver tudo em poucos dias: o Krampus tem muita pressa para cumprir sua missão de levar os Garotos Maus da cidade para só Deus sabe onde.

Mas a coisa ainda piora: alguns animais que já conversaram previamente com os personagens (provavelmente incluindo Lancaster) irão procurar os personagens para avisar que os Valentões querem descontar a raiva deles por não saber o que houve com seus amigos em outros garotos: para ser mais exato, em Raistlin e Helena! Os personagens devem fazer alguma coisa: atacar os dois vai definitivamente cravar o nome de Rodrigo na Lista dos Malvados e, portanto, nos que o Krampus irá levar embora!

À noite, enquanto Raistlin e Helena estão em seu “acampamento”, os Valentões irão invadir. Rodrigo não acha certo isso: bater em garotos na rua é uma coisa, mas invadir uma casa é outra completamente diferente! Mas irá junto pois teme a reação dos demais garotos, em especial de Samuel, um garoto realmente mau.

Enquanto os valentões ficam aterrorizando Raistlin e Helena, os personagens podem esperar para ver o que acontece ou tentar, de alguma forma, impedir os valentões, que irão atacar os personagens. Deixe que eles ajam por um ou dois turnos (em qualquer das situações). Depois disso, o Krampus aparecerá.

Os personagens tem a opção de recuar: o Velho Nick disse para não se arriscarem contra o Krampus. Entretanto, se o fizerem, todos os que estão ali, inclusive Raistlin e Helena poderão acabar sendo capturados pelo Krampus: apesar da missão dele determinar levar os Malvados, uns extras não estão fora de cogitação para o Krampus!

Se agirem contra o Krampus, eles terão duas opções prováveis: a primeira será o conflito aberto. Nesse caso apenas Lancaster irá ajudar os personagens, ao menos de início: caso perceba que os personagens poderão ser Derrotados, traga a cavalaria com Joffrey e outros Strays para ajudarem os personagens.

Entretanto, caso os mesmos conheçam a fraqueza do Krampus, os personagens podem tentar fazer com que Raistlin ou Helena ofereçam a ele frutas: Raistlin tem várias em uma sacola na barraca dele. Caso o façam, o Krampus ficará mais à vontade, e explicará que o objetivo dele era levar o tal do Rodrigo, mas que graças à oferta de frutas deixará ele viver, para aprender com o susto. O Krampus consegue entender e se fazer entender tanto pelos humanos quanto pelos Strays, embora não demonstre entender os Strays.

Entretanto Samuel irá tentar algum tipo de agressão ao Krampus: ele não é do tipo muito esperto mesmo. Se isso acontecer, o Krampus irá o colocar no Saco do Desespero e dificilmente o libertará. Trate como uma Disputa entre o Poderoso do Krampus e Abordagens adequadas dos personagens, já que o Krampus entende o que os Strays falam: se o Krampus vencer, ele levará embora Samuel. Caso contrário, ele será salvo!

Epílogo e Experiência

Tudo correndo bem, eles conseguirão salvar todos do Krampus… Nesse caso, pode ser que Samuel ainda tente fazer algumas maldades, mas aí tanto Rodrigo quanto Lancaster estarão do lado de Raistlin e Helena, com os quais passará a conversar. Os Valentões, ou ao menos alguns deles, tentarão mudar de vida. Se eles conseguirão ou não, isso é para outra aventura.

No caso, considere o seguinte para efeito de Evolução, além de outros critérios que você deseje:

  • Considere um Marco Menor caso pelo menos um dos eventos abaixo ocorra:
    • Impedir Rodrigo de ser pego pelo Krampus
    • Conseguir uma casa para Govinda
    • Proteger Raistlin e Helena dos Valentões
    • Enfrentar o Krampus
  • Considere um Marco Significativo caso pelo menos um dos eventos abaixo ocorra:
    • Impedir o Krampus de levar os Valentões
    • Descobrir a fraqueza do Krampus e a usar contra o mesmo (seja eles próprios ou por meio de Raistlin e Helena)
    • Impedir o Krampus de levar Samuel no final da aventura

Apêndice 1 - NPCs

Rodrigo Tanner, o Valentão do Bairro


Tipo Aspectos
Conceito O Mais Forte e Correto garoto do Bairro… Ou ao menos é o que ele pensa
Dificuldade Amigos são para frutinhas
  Lancaster é tudo que preciso


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Razoável (+2)
Cuidadoso Regular (+1)
Esperto Medíocre (+0)
Estiloso Regular (+1)
Poderoso Bom (+3)
Sorrateiro Razoável (+2)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • O Velho e Bom Um-Dois: Como sou um Garoto Bom de Briga, recebo +2 ao Atacar de Maneira Poderosa com meus punhos


  • Forte como um Touro e tão esperto quanto um: Sempre que precisar realizar feito de força (como socar pessoas e quebrar objetos com as mãos), recebo +1, mas recebo -1 em todos os testes envolvendo feitos de inteligência, pois não sou lá muito esperto



Tipo Aspectos
Conceito O Mais bravo pitbull do bairro
Dificuldade Pose excessiva - na verdade é um medroso incorrigível
  Ninguém encosta um dedo no Rodrigo
  Passado triste - sendo treinado como um cão de rinha


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Bom (+3)
Cuidadoso Medíocre (+0)
Esperto Regular (+1)
Estiloso Regular (+1)
Poderoso Razoável (+2)
Sorrateiro Razoável (+2)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • Mordida trituradora: Recebo +2 ao Superar de Maneira Poderosa obstáculos que possam ser removidos à base de dentadas


  • Só compro brigas que posso vencer: Recebo +1 sempre que souber previamente que sou capaz de me dar bem em uma situação, mas se estou em uma situação que estou em desvantagem, recebo -1 nos testes.

Raistlin Matias


Tipo Aspectos
Conceito Tímido e mirrado nerd
Dificuldade O Garoto novo do bairro
  Pequeno Einstein à procura de amigos


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Regular (+1)
Cuidadoso Razoável (+2)
Esperto Bom (+3)
Estiloso Regular (+1)
Poderoso Medíocre (+0)
Sorrateiro Razoável (+2)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • Biblioteca de Conhecimento: Como sou um Pequeno Einstein, recebo +2 ao Criar Vantagens de Maneira Esperta envolvendo meus conhecimentos.


  • Apenas mais um Nerd: Sempre que puder utilizar meus conhecimentos a meu favor, recebo +1, mas toda vez que interagir socialmente com outros garotos, recebo -1

Helena Souza


Tipo Aspectos
Conceito A garota mais bonita da região
Dificuldade De saco cheio de ser obrigada a bancar a fofa
  “Todos os garotos são um bando de imbecis?”


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Regular (+1)
Cuidadoso Razoável (+2)
Esperto Regular (+1)
Estiloso Razoável (+2)
Poderoso Medíocre (+0)
Sorrateiro Bom (+3)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • Fazer beicinho: Como sou uma Garota Bonita, recebo +2 ao Criar Vantagens de Maneira Sorrateira para convencer os outros a fazerem as coisas para mim.


  • Não sou uma garotinha: Sempre que preciso expor meu lado menininha, recebo +1 em todos os testes, mas entretanto recebo -1 ao lidar com outras garotas



Tipo Aspectos
Conceito Um camundongo a procura de um lar
Dificuldade Cada vez mais sem esperança
  De cidade em cidade vem vivendo


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Bom (+3)
Cuidadoso Razoável (+2)
Esperto Regular (+1)
Estiloso Medíocre (+0)
Poderoso Regular (+1)
Sorrateiro Razoável (+2)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • Roedor: Como sou um Camundongo, recebo +2 ao Superar de Maneira Poderosa qualquer obstáculo que possa ser roído


  • Morou em vários lugares, viveu em nenhum: Recebo +1 ao reconhecer características de um local onde não estive previamente, mas por outro lado recebo -1 ao tentar me associar a pessoas ou animais locais



Tipo Aspectos
Conceito Calopsita Mensageira do Velho Nick
Dificuldade Se sente desconfortável demais no chão
  Noblesse Oblige - possui um ar imponente


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Razoável (+2)
Cuidadoso Bom (+3)
Esperto Regular (+1)
Estiloso Regular (+1)
Poderoso Medíocre (+0)
Sorrateiro Razoável (+2)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • Garras afiadas: Como sou uma Calopsita, recebo +2 ao Atacar de Maneira Ágil obstáculos, desde que tenha espaço o bastante para me deslocar pelo ar


  • Mensageiro: Recebo +1 para resistir ao cansaço enquanto levo mensagens para o Velho Nick, mas por outro lado recebo -1 em todos os testes quando permaneço muito tempo fora da Fazenda, pois sinto-me desconfortável.

Os Garotos da Gangue

  • Aspectos: Valentões; Compram apenas as brigas que sabem que vão vencer; Gostam de bancar o valente; “Eu quero a minha mãe!”
  • Peritos (+2) em: Brigar; Agir em Conjunto; Serem mandões
  • Ruins (-2) em: Serem espertos; Lutarem em Desvantagem
  • Estresse: [][][] (6 Garotos)

Samuel, o Verdadeiro Valentão Convicto


Tipo Aspectos
Conceito Um Valentão Convicto
Dificuldade Coração Escuro como o Carvão
  Apenas idiotas possuem amigos… E eu não sou um deles


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Razoável (+2)
Cuidadoso Regular (+1)
Esperto Regular (+1)
Estiloso Razoável (+2)
Poderoso Bom (+3)
Sorrateiro Medíocre (+0)

Façanhas [ Recarga: 3 ]

  • O Velho e Bom Um-Dois: Como sou um Garoto Bom de Briga, recebo +2 ao Atacar de Maneira Poderosa com meus punhos


  • Liderança pelo medo: Recebo +1 sempre que preciso intimidar alguém, mas a partir do momento em que demonstro insegurança, recebo -1 sempre que tento convencer os outros a fazer o que quero;

O Krampus

Tipo Aspectos
Conceito O Reverso do Velho Nick
Dificuldade Um Apreço Inigualável por Frutas
  Saco do Desespero
  Mal, mas age segundo as Regras


Abordagem Nível
Ágil Bom (+3)
Cuidadoso Razoável (+2)
Esperto Regular (+1)
Estiloso Razoável (+2)
Poderoso Bom (+3)
Sorrateiro Ótimo (+4)


  • Não ataca Bonzinhos: Recebo +1 sempre que preciso capturar qualquer criança Malvada, mas Recebo -1 sempre que tentar qualquer coisa contra alguém Bondoso, como um Stray

Talismã: O Saco do Desespero [ Recarga: 1 ]

O Saco do Desespero é um saco aparentemente feito de estopa rota, fedida e suja, mas na verdade ele é ainda pior, pois é O Saco que causa terror em toda criança que o olha, já que é dito que o Krampus usa esse saco para levar qualquer criança que tenha sido má ao Inferno, ou para a afogar, ou guarda a criança dentro dele até que decida devorá-la (qual, ou quais, dessas versões é verdadeira fica a critério do Narrador).

  • O Saco do Desespero pode comportar quantas crianças for necessário e não possui peso, portanto nenhum Aspecto pode ser Forçado contra o Krampus por causa de peso do saco
    • A mera visão do Saco do Desespero causa terror ao que o vêem, portanto o Krampus recebe +2 em todos seus testes envolvendo intimidação ao mostrar o Saco do Desespero

Nota: Criado segundo as regras de Nest

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The Verne Chieftain

The Verne Chieftain

Scene 1 - The Refugees’ Camp:

It is 2018, the 15th Anniversary of The Event, when this world born from the scraps and ashes from the Old World. The Breakthrough phenomena has bring some chaos, and just recently the world had found some peace, even considering the rising of Eretz Israel and the fall of Calliphate and China.

Africa has always been somewhat a powder barrel, and The Event only make things goes worse, with Warlords and Tribal Kings going into the Breakthrough and at the same time fighting without West support against the Calliphate. In the chaos and civil war many of the African countries are, the last respected institutions are those supported by Doctors Without Borders, actually almost the last really neutral institution in the world. One of those is Heroes Without Borders, that is supporting the last efforts from UNESCO, UNICEF, World Health Organization and other UN initiatives (now very weakened with the dissolution of NATO and the rising of League of Democratic States).

One of the objectives for Médicins Sans Frontières e Herós Sans Frontières (HSF) is to support and maintain the safeness on the refugee’s camps all around the world: with Eretz Israel rising, and other events, lots of people are now away from their original countries (some of them that no more exists, like Gaza and West Bank).

Sierra Leone was taken into the post-Event turmoil and had a quick, but bloody, Civil War until one of the most powerful breakthrough, Bengela (real name: Nelson Tshabalala) expelled the corrupt president from it and was elect some time after with promises of democracy. However, there’s lots of refugee’s on the big camp, nicknamed as Roque Santeiro (in honor of the biggest informal market in the world, established in Angola and closed shortly after The Event, that was by itself named based on an old pre-Event Brazilian soap opera). At least 10 thousand families lives there, with the support of many volunteers, breakthrough or not. The place is maintained by United Nations via UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), with support of all UN Commissioners and NGOs possibles, from UNESCO and UNICEF to MSF and HSF.

In this scenario the PCs arrives as newly-trained HSF recruits. They are taken in the Freetown airport and brought to Roque Santeiro by helicopter: Atlas, Vernes and other flying heroes as advised to not fly to avoid any uneasiness local military. Their contact is Corin Phakathwayo, one of the fixed HSF in the region. He’s known as his main perk to has no costume, nickname or crest: he feels herself as the modern Lothar, and is somewhat a good comparison, as he is a C-Class Ajax and is the first-in-command of the local captain of HSF.

When they get into Roque Santeiro, they feel the real problem: is a big sea of UN-tents, improved by Vernetech, and some generators maintained by a team of UN and HSF Vernes for power and communication. Time after time people came for Roque Santeiro and, although some of them obtain refugee visas for LDS countries and leave the camp every day, many more came.

In the main structure, they are received by the local fixed team of HSF and presented to the HSF captain in place. Diana (real name: Diana Souza) is half-Brazilian (father)/half-South African (Sotho lineage, by mother) A-Class Ajax, but don’t look as one: she’s very pretty with a big afro and somewhat slim, looking like a very beautiful woman from pre-Event films. However, she’s very serious and his look looks like she’s really business

She says:

“Alright, chaps, think you had the basic training at Genebra, but now it’s real life. Hope you are able to use your powers and more for something better than your own benefit.

Roque Santeiro is the biggest refugee camp in the world. Some countries has less people than we have here. There we have people from all the Africa, and from all the main tribes: nago, nubians, belize, sotho, xhosa, zulu, hutu, you name it. Also there’s lots of backgrounds and religions.

Our mission here is simple: help maintain security and order, provide support for UN forces, and general help. People here tends to be okay, but sometime things turns really grim because of the shortages on resources. Food and clean water are sometimes difficult to get, and the sanitary infra only didn’t collapsed thanks to our Vernes that works on the infra.

We have also some guys from other organizations to help us, mainly our “mother” so-to-speak MSF, some guys from World Health Organization, some Blue Berets from UN and so.

Well, enough about me: I’ll present you for our local team and you’ll present yourselves for them”

Although she’s very harsh, she also is very competent and feels the responsibility of local HSF leader.

The local HSF team main members are Corin, Diana and:

  • Lesley Dimantas, MD, a little crazy psychologist breakthrough that is a A-Class Metamorph that is on this day using the name Squirrel Girl, but was already know as Daughter of Gaea, Galatea, Ceridwen and many other names. She’s known as a sassy girl with a kid’s heart and very competent in two things: metamorphing (she likes to adopt small animal parts as a kind of day-by-day fashion, like she does those days by having squirrel ears and tail) and psychologist, specially involving Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, specially those that results on or from Breakthrough. She’s a staple on the mental treatments in the camp, as many people came here after being expelled or run away from the tribal chiefs. Although she’s very cheerfully, she’s serious on his researches and treatments and in coordinating the support psychologist, heroes or not.
  • Derek Stiles, M.D., a guy that is one of the so-called Sons of Aesclepius, those that have the so-called Healing Touch. Some believe that those are one kind of still to be cataloged breakthroughs, and others believes that he’s a Paragon, a kind of breakthrough that is not super-whatever, but is something like the common human apex. Anyway, he’s from CADUCEUS, a NGO linked with the World Health Organization, that is mainly focused on research about diseases and conditions away from the actual medicine, so he is somewhat “borrowed” by CADUCEUS to HSF. They are also linked with lots of Vernes that works on medicine. Derek looks a little under-confident, but he’s very skilled, so he’s Chief Medic in Roque Santeiro after helping in the downfall of the Verne known only as Adam and his medical terrorist organization DELPHI.

They are after granted his clearance levels, positions and so. They are also presented to their quarters: between people from HSF there’s only common quarters. Each quarter is for one team and, although very simple, they’re comfortable enough. They also have their communication links (although not private). The bunk beds are very simple, but made on a structure sturdy enough to resist to almost all kind of people, even the biggest A-Class Ajaxes. There’s also wardrobes where they can put their gear. They receive the common crest of Roque Santeiro’s teams (a Q letter styled on an angel halo).

During that day, they could be called for some simple missions, like escort some food convoys in and out Roque Santeiro (good mission for Ajax, Atlas and Projectors) or helping improving infrastructure at Roque Santeiro (for the Kinesis, Merlins, and Verne). There’s lots of things they could help: remember that, as a refugee’s camp, Roque Santeiro is in need of almost everything. There’s lots of simple actions that the PCs can do and, even being little things (like helping building a new camp hospital using Kinetic powers) they’ll have the chance to shine out before the refugee’s before going into a dinner, shower and bedtime.

During the night (their shift or not), they hear the sirens hearing. People came and ask them for help, and Diana goes for them, dressed into his equipment and holding his Longinus’ Spear, custom built to her by a HSF Verne. They will go for the camp front and see some guys coming. They are part of the local war-chief militia, a guy called Kwazani that wants to remove Bengela from power. They are considered a pesky problem, but this day they are strong: there’s lot of goons on them, equipped with black marked military weapons and, worst of all, lots of D-Class and even C-Class breakthroughs, especially Ajaxes and Metamorphs, with some Atlas and Projectors between them.

The PCs will fight one team of Goons (1 per PC) and another of Super-Goons (1 per 2 PCs). If things are getting easily, put some more, or split the PCs into fight the goons and protect Roque Santeiro: sounds like they want to abduct some people and rob part of the equipment, specially weapons and supplies.

This sounds like easy, but as soon the PCs show having an edge, the Kwazani Elite Team will show: Magog, Ianshan, Panther and Kilimanjaro

They’ll be a lot worse problem for the PCs and they maybe should give in. Specially Kilimanjaro and Panther are very strong on their powers and they are not too much for hurting the PCs. They’ll not kill the PCs, because, if they are taken out, they’ll be Shamefully rescued by the HSF team, including Diana, Corin and Lesley. If the PCs, however, are having some edge in them, make them run away, giving in the conflict, and putting them as Enemies of the Kwazani Elite Four

Any way, they’ll be presented with the main problem: Kwazani and his four elite goons.

Scene 2 - Dealing with Kwazani Four

In the next day, while UN soldiers does the protection and the Vernes does the best to repair Roque Santeiro, Diana call all the HSF heroes into the conference room.

“Okay, everyone. I’ve talked with the big bosses from Genebra and they decided that it was the last straw: it was the tenth attack in the last three months. We are under Clause B Intervention Rules, authorized by UN and LDS.

I want to make very clear: Clause B Intervention Rules still don’t authorize catching tangos using civilians as meat shield. We’ll need so to split you into teams to investigate some targets and try to find Kwazani’s HQ. We already have some local guides to help you with some of the chieftains and into the local cities, and find maybe some clues.

Now the characters can follow some ideas or receive from Diana some clues to some ways to solve the problem, to find Kwazani HQ Location (DR Supreme (+10)). Some clues can be found on those ways:

The Chieftains:

some of the local chieftains has A grudge with Kwazani, as he doesn’t, in their vision, give the proper respect to elders and wiser people. H, they are Somewhat hostile with the foreigner (DR Good (+4)). If people can provide them electricity, water or other things, they could Gain their hearts, what can help them to find clues about the Kwazani HQ

The Elite’s relative:

Although “evil”, the Elite Four have some parents. Especially Panther could get into a double-cross against Kwazani, because he have a daughter with AIDS: his deceased wife had AIDS and even Kwazani being a A-Class Verne could not heal AIDS. It’s a known fact that even some of the Ultra-Class Verne had not found a cure for AIDS, although thanks for the Medicine-focused Verne many of the worst diseases now have treatment that could avoid evolution and improve health stats and life quality. Use the rules for Negotiation or Contest rules. If the PCs are Successful, Derek and Lesley would work on those, bringing Panther as a Double-Cross.

Another one that could have a weak spot at GM Discretion is Kilimanjaro: she’s from an old lineage of witch doctors and sage man and (specially) women. Although uneasy with foreigners, she and them could be convinced to work with them and explain somewhat the problem: Kwazani had discovered a drug that could provoke the Breakthrough. And many are attracted on this, but just a few had a permanent breakthrough, all the other just having powers as long they use the drug, called Breakthrough Enhancer Drug. They’ll also say that the Breakthroughs that use this had an increasing into their powers, but at the cost of their sanity: with time, their mind are destroyed by the addiction.

A City in need:

Local cities are in need of all kind of things, specially shelter, food and water, and security against some gangs of BED Addicted (uses the Super-Goon mook to emulate). If they can put their powers on a good use for the local people, they could give the location of a BED Smuggler, a Witch Doctor (D-Class Merlin) that sells this to the local kids. He’ll have, obviously, his support team of Super Goons into a BED Overdose (+2 on their Power-related checks, -2 on everything else). If defeated, the Smuggler will put himself under HSF hands, knowing that the city people would try to kill him as soon as he could put their hand on him.

Shadowing the Shadow:

Obviously Kwazani will not left the HSF do their job that easy. Sometime a shadow will be follow them. Either could be a Super-Goon from Metamorph-type or even Panther. They could, if searching, finding them in the middle of local animals, like birds, meerkats, possums and even into the form of urban animals. It’ll be a DR Superb (+5) Investigate opposed check, because they are very skilled as passing as animals, but if they are found, they’ll run. If captured (treat as a Contest) they’ll reveal that Kwazani sent them and their families are hostage. Treat this as a negotiation, with the PCs Swearing they’ll rescue his families (in case of Success).

Each time they do one of those “missions” (City in Need and Elite’s relatives can repeat as many as make sense) grants an Aspect of some kind, that can be used to reduce the check for changing the Kwazani HQ Location Aspect into Found the HQ Aspect. If they Fail Epically into a check, or accept a Success with a Cost, make them be attacked by some Goons or Super-Goons and, if Epic Fail, lose all the Aspects they accumulated.

As soon they Found the HQ, they’ll be sent for to fight against Kwazani.

Scene 3 - Kwazani’s Fortress

Kwazani’s fortress is not that far from Roque Santeiro: it’s on a local mountain, with an access for it inside.

The base looks like somewhat from the pre-Event 007 shows: lots of Chemical Supplies and Weird Equipment. Goons, dressed into QBR suits without the head piece can be seen.

It’s up the GM to trace the route into the Fortress to the Kwazani Room (final DR: Superb (+5)). As a suggestion, treat this as a Contest between the PCs and the Room DR. Each victory the Room have give it a chance of a separated Conflict or for a Create Advantage that would mean the PCs were Trapped or Blocked on some way.

As far the PCs found Kwazani Room, they’ll be received by him, with a nice smirk and kind of Laser Gun in his hand.

“Oh, so at least we’ll be acquainted to each other. I’m Derek Kwazani, and, to put all the cards in the table, I’m what your Barlow guy call an Verne, A-Class. And if you are into that old-fashioned style, you maybe will cry something about surrendering”

Let the PCs do their show: in fact, stimulate them by Compel their Hero Aspects and so. But they’ll be surprised by a Energy Barrier capable to hold even an A-Class Ajax! (DR Mythic (+9)).

“Now, let us stay into the trope: now it’s time to me to say my ‘evil plan’, right? Oh, well, my plan is simple: bring power back to Africa. You see, no matter all the balderdash they talk about Europe or Asia or America being the civilization birthplace, Africa is the humanity birthplace. And before even Genghis Khan, there was big empires in Africa, not just Egypt, but also the Abyssinian, and many others. No matter what Israel calls, Egypt was stronger them then in the past. My objective is simple: bring Africa to their past glory.

And, to stay on our so called Journey’s Hero: how I would want to deal with this? Well, in my researches about the breakthrough I found some interesting common triggers that could be used to provide powers for anyone. And it’s this the way: by creating my own heroes, so to speak. After all, the hero of someone is the terrorist of someone else.

Alright: think I had my part in the trope. So it’s yours: die or run away.

When he say this, he opens a Black Hole trapdoor that sent them to the next level below. In there, they can see a lot of Monsters (treat them as Super-Goons, 2 per PCs, with an Reduced to Animal Intellect Aspect over them). By the sides, they’ll see the fabric line for BED.

There’s some ideas for the PCs:

  1. Fighting the Monsters could be something very strenuous even for the toughest Ajax or Atlas, but someone with mind control or manipulation could try to control at least some of the Monsters, reducing the number to be fought out and providing some extra muscle;
  2. There’s a Failure in the place that could provide a way to contour and fight Derek directly. Although he have their Elite Four (imagine they don’t convinced Kilimanjaro and Panther to double-cross Derek) to defend him, they could deal with them, at least with some difficult.
  3. If the PCs were smart enough (or want to pay 1 FP to declare as a Flashback), they could be hooked up or the can hack a way to communicate their final position and provide HSF/UN/LDS forces with ways to invade the installation and fight the minions, freeing the PCs (maybe with Diana, Corin and/or Lesley support) to fight the Elite Four and Derek;
  4. They could convince the workers (all of them Addicted) that Derek is a bad guy. Although not that easy (DR Great (+4)), a good Mentalist or Merlin, or other kind of hero with mind manipulation powers, could work this and make people revolt against Derek. Although this could be a bad way to solve things (and all that against meat shield thing from HSF?), they could at least stop Derek this way;
  5. If they convinced either Panther or Kilimanjaro to Double-Cross Derek, they could made this into a way they could do on a good timing. This can result into the Elite Four splitting, specially Magog, that is totally loyal for Derek. Ianshan can be convinced by the other Elite Four during the fighting, or when she notes that Derek is using her as cannon-fodder.

No matter what happens, the PCs should be (being smart, lucky, or both) able to catch Kwazani alive, and their notes about BED being destroyed or used for good objectives (like Lesley using it to analyze and obtain extra info into breakthrough and the potential PTSD resulting from).

Epilogue and Hooks

The PCs should be appraised according their actions. Remember that HSF don’t like heroes that use civilians as cannon fodder.

Consider this a Minor Milestone.

The PCs then could still be at Sierra Leone or go after other things all around the world.

Some hooks:

  • in Derek’s files are some notes about a possible association between the Calliphate, some older people from China and the remnants of North Korea establishment to use BED as a way to recreate some übermensch-like projects that those old people had;
  • Bengela is not that pleased of foreigners holding Kwazani, and wants it. However, as good as he is, he follows some old traditions, and Derek messed a lot with them, what would result in death penalty for him. How could HSF would deal with it;
  • Derek had some notes about a thing called GUILT - Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latency Toxins. Derek will recognize them as the work of the criminal DELPHI. Those notes are more advanced than CADUCEUS had. Is it a signal of a new GUILT outbreak, and what about the Sinners that would used to created those new strains, kids that would be used as Patient Zero for it;
  • Corin is an ex-_Umkhonto We Sizwe_ (African National Congress military side when the party was clandestine during South Africa Apartheid regimen), and some of Derek notes reveals that some old guys from groups like AWB - Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, Afrikaner Resistance Movement in Afrikaans, would be using the BED to create a White Power Ideal… How to deal with this without bringing Africa into a political and social turmoil worse those from the end of Apartheid

Appendix 1 - Heroes Without Borders Team


Type Aspect
Organization Type Just a small part of Heroes Without Borders
Mission Statement Super-help for Super-Needs
Background Aspect Genebra still don’t trust us totally
Background Aspect Just don’t mess refugee’s camps


Skill Level
Espionage Fair (+2)
Information Good (+3)
Investigate Fair (+2)
Legal Resource Average (+1)
Public Relations Fair (+2)
Transportation Great (+4)
Security Average (+1)


Skill Level
Contacts Average (+1)
Reputation Good (+3)
Wealth Average (+1)

Stress and Consequences

  • Resources: 3;

Appendix 2 - HSF Faces

Diana Souza (Diana)


  • A-Class Ajax-type;
  • The Power of Femininity;
  • The team captain;
  • Normally stays in the office;
  • “Fight bureaucracy is like fighting a Ultra-Type”


Level Attributes/Skills/Resources
Superb (+5) Discernment, Willpower, Physique
Great (+4) Academics, Athleticism, Reputation
Good (+3) Provoke, Presence, Fight
Fair (+2) Shoot, Rapport, Drive
Average (+1) Aid, Wealth, Contacts


  • Superhuman Physique (x4)
  • Mighty
  • Iron Blows
  • Charge
  • Superhuman Recovery
  • Gear: Longinus’ Spear
    • WR 4
    • Can use Fight instead of Shoot to be thrown
    • Ground point: if someone is Cleaved by this spear, any electric-kind attack against it is considered Unopposed

Derek Styles, MD


  • Son of Aesclepius (Paragon);
  • Healing Touch;
  • Still need to get confidence;


Level Attributes/Skills/Resources
Superb (+5) Discernment, Aid, Academics
Great (+4) Reputation, Rapport, Empathy
Good (+3) Willpower, Contacts
Fair (+2) Provoke, Deceive
Average (+1) Wealth


  • Shield of Reason;
  • Specialist (Surgery - for Aid);
  • Psychologist;
  • I’ve read about that;
  • Healing Touch: your super concentration in the surgery make you remove completely, by paying 1 FP, any kind of opposition related with operation (contamination, critical patient’s stats, etc…)

Lesley Dimantas, MD (Daughter of Gaea, Squirrel Girl, and others)


  • Breakthrough Psychologist;
  • A-Class Metamorph;
  • Usagi-mimi - like to use animal features as fashion;
  • Specialization: Breakthrough Disorder and PTSD;
  • “Breakthrough Camps are Criminal”


Level Attributes/Skills/Resources
Superb (+5) Discernment, Shapeshifter, Academics
Great (+4) Empathy, Deceive, Provoke
Good (+3) Willpower, Contacts, Fight
Fair (+2) Rapport, Shoot, Drive


  • The Change (Shapeshifter);
  • Slippery;
  • Exchangeable Attribute Levels (x2);
  • Stunt Pool (x8);
  • Chimera: Lesley can turn parts of her body into other forms, using her Stunt Pool normally. Using this she can “aggregate” parts of creatures into her own. No need of checks to undo those partial transformations. The difficult is based on the size of the part of the body changed, from Mediocre (+0) for her ears, to Great (+4) for his arms, to Fantastic (+6) to make some part just show up, like a tail or wings (although changing her arms into wings would still be Great (+4)). This parts are shown as Aspects into the Lesley and still with her while she wants;

Corin Phakathwayo


  • C-Type Ajax;
  • “No weird names for me!”;
  • Diana has my back;
  • “Tata Madiba!” - Under Mandela’s legacy;
  • Haunted by Past: ex-_Umkhonto we Sizwe_


Level Attributes/Skills/Resources
Superb (+5) Discernment, Academics
Great (+4) Physique, Willpower, Fight, Shoot
Good (+3) Contacts, Reputation, Empathy, Rapport
Fair (+2) Drive, Provoke
Average (+1) Deceive, Larceny


  • Superhuman Physique (x3)
  • Mighty
  • Iron Blows
  • Superhuman Recovery
  • Indomitable
  • Heavy Hitter
  • Dazing Counter
  • Killing Stroke
  • Security Specialist
  • Gear: Obsidian Machete
    • WR 4

Appendix 3 - Antagonists

Derek Kwazani


  • B-Class Verne;
  • 21st Century Witch Doctor;
  • “Power! Science! Right!”
  • Goons… Lots of!
  • My Breakthrough Enhance Drug (BED) is my secret and my staple;


Level Attributes/Skills/Resources
Superb (+5) Discernment, Wealth
Great (+4) Academics, Willpower
Good (+3) Rapport, Reputation
Fair (+2) Provoke, Presence
Average (+1) Fight, Shoot


  • Eureka! (x4)
  • Breakthrough Enhance Drug (BED)
    • +2 on all Power Rolls if used by a Breakthrough
    • Can induce a breakthrough, at least temporarily
      • Roll vs Target’s Willpower or Physique (the worst). Success provoke a temporary breakthrough (number of days equals shifts obtained). Success with Style and Success with a cost results into a permanent breakthrough (C-Style limit). Success with a cost provoke some problem from the BED use
    • Highly Addictive

Kwazani’s Goons (Average Extra)

  • Goons with Guns, On this for the money
  • Shoot Average (+1), Fight Average (+1)

Kwazani’s Super-Goons (Fair Extra)

  • D-Class Ajaxes, BED Addicted
  • Fight Average (+1), Physique Fair (+2), Athleticism Average (+2)
  • Superhuman Physique x4 , one of Charge, Iron Blows, Mighty

Kwazani Elite Goons (Good Extras)

  • All of them:
    • Loyal to Kwazani, A Powerful Africa
    • Resources Average (+1); Rapport Average (+1); Willpower Average (+1)
  • Magog (Real Name: Steven Cebekhulu)
    • C-Class Ajax, Strong as a rock and as smart also
    • Fight Good (+3); Physique Fair (+2); Provoke Fair (+2)
    • Superhuman Physique x4; Charge; Iron Blows; Mighty
    • Stress: Physical 4 + Extra Mild; Mental 3
  • Ianshan (Real Name: Cynthia Sokwalisa)
    • C-Class Atlas, Strategist, A Pure Heart behind a Tough Facade
    • Provoke Good (+3); Rapport Fair (+2); Presence Average (+1); Fight Fair (+2); Physique Good (+3); Athleticism Fair (+2)
    • Super-senses, Superhuman Physique x3, Your Own Missile
  • Panther (Real Name: Robert “Bob” Nsele)
    • B-Class Metamorph, A Funny Scoundrel, Don’t like to hurt others, A Daughter with AIDS
    • Larceny Good (+3); Academics Average (+1); Presence Fair (+2); Discernment Good (+3); Shapeshifter Superb (+5); Willpower Fair (+2);
    • The Change (Shapeshifter Skill); Exchangeable Attribute Levels x3 (Any); Stunt Pool 4 SFP; Slippery
  • Kilimanjaro (Real Name: Josephine “Josie” Nondaba)
    • B-Class Projector, “The powers of Nature are mine!”, From a Witch Doctor’s Family
    • Shoot Good (+3); Athleticism Superb (+5); Academics Good (+3); Discernment Great (+4); Presence Great (+4)
    • Human Rocket, Lethal Attack, Hard Hitting, Multiple Targets, WR 6/AR 2
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Word Dealers

“You don’t believe on what is happening now… I know…

But believe me: you have a power that can be used to help others.

Since the very past, before the written history, time after time, people are chosen by someone or something, which neither I know. They are able to travel through the memories of others … memories written in stationary paper like the one you hold in your hand. Furthermore, they can assume stanger forms, like those drawn on the papers.

How do I know that? I am a stationery paper. And you’re not crazy.

Your parents also doubted when I shown myself to them…

I know it’s weird… But have you never wondered why your mother hold that large folder with sheets and more sheets of stationery paper? We can say that that folder is the source of her power, that she uses to help people.

And you might be asking yourself: “She fights what?”

She didn’t fight something physical … at least not normally.

Sometimes, people drown themselves into sadness and depression; anger, and hatred and rancor; envy and excessive ambition; and when they write all this in the stationery paper, thinking they can send such negative feelings to others, they may end up trapping themselves into turning grotesque representations of what the hate or despise more, their worst fears and ambitions. We call these forms that they take Projections

And is them that your mother faced and fought against … And now you must face and fight against.

“And how I’ll do it?” you might be asking?

I’ll be your guide on this journey: call me Lully the little cat

Everything you write and draw in paper, each drop of ink dipped into it, has power. The words, the pictures made on them, have power. Never wondered you when sometimes you say “I just want him to get hurt” and that person got hurt? In your modern times, people have lost the feeling about the power of words. But in the ancient times, people took very careful about what they said: “Promises are as good as gold” is an old saying with much more reason than you can understand … This is why the Fairies never take promises that easy, because once they made one, they must kept them.

“And there are really fairies?” (giggles) Of course they are! The case is that humans no longer accept them. In the rational, logical, mathematical world with that people surronded themselves with due to fear of the unknown, they don’t find explanations, therefore being end up “eliminated” by common sense. The normal attitude is: if you can’t explain something, it does not exist within that rational mathematical world. Or … How is that saying? Ah … “Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Occam’s Razor, or lex parsimoniae. This is a really true fact in many things. But for those who understand The Power of Words about saying the right word the right way and in the right place, as you will still understand sooner or later, these creatures, aliens to those concepts, still exist and have power, a power that is accessible to those who understand the Power of the Words.

Is this power magic? No more than send someone into the space with a rocket or using a cellphone to communicate with people around the world. What you’re learning, in fact, is something that anyone can learn. We can say that this is, in fact, Science, although onenot yet tamed, or that was pioneered and ignored by those who feared the Unknown. You are only being chosen by a fact: you listen more than talk and read more than write, so is more willing to understand that Power.

Take my paw … Don’t worry, you will not be hurt. I’m putting my stationery on the floor. Come on. We’ll get into my world …

Welcome to The World Within the Stationery … Are you wondering why you’re into this cat form? Don’t worry: in this world, within what you call stationery paper, your current form is the one of a cat, bacuse it’s a representation of the original intention the stationery artist wanted to give to this world, so you, like me, are subject to such representation. We can say that, unconsciously, these Rules are part of a isolated “reality”, where we could live. After all, in the mathematical “main” reality, cats can’t normally speak.

You got so cute in that Angora form. Take some moments understanding your form before we continue. By the rules of this world you are subject to be in this form. You could be asking yourself what would happen if we had get into a stationary with dogs drawn into it. Then we should be subject to those representations and rules, but also in a manner that respects our own personality. The Rules don’t overcome your personality at all. In my case, probablyI would had taken the shape of a cute little Schnautzer puppy. And about you … How about a little gracious basset? Not your cup of tea? Well, maybe a Dalmatian, I don’t know …

Anyway, each stationery World partially restricts your power. You see, your power involves the representations of something. Not only by creating them, but by understanding them. That’s the most important part of this power and that’s this way you will face and fight against Projections.

Why am I showing you all this? The best way to fight the Projections is by entering into their past. Dealing with them through the common methods of the logical-mathematical reality, by simply trying to eliminate them in the fastest way, is ineffective: being pushed apart from it, they don’t comply with its rules, so those rules don’t work against them, although they can use them the when they are convenient. Thus, you need to outsmart them, and use the principle of mathematical logical elimination will not eliminate the problem, which is in fact to discover and remove the Factors that led to the Projection showing itself. There are methods to solve this, to facilitate the discovery and removal of the projection. They are many ways to do this, and I’ll show you now of the most effective.

That is be bringing them into a Stationery World and trying to understand what kind of negative feelings materialized and growing to a level that could be converted into such force capable of, by breaking through the reality rules, bringing the Projection on. Having done so, you can face them and thus having a chance to rescue the real person engulfed into the Projection, breaking the negative feelings’ illusion.

Yes, it is exactly this, because, in fact, there’s no negative feelings: as the name implies, negative feelings in fact are the absence of a positive feeling: hatred arising by the absence of love, while anger arises by the absence of peace, and so on. If you read about Francis of Assisi, you’ll understand a lot this and whi he was one of the most powerful Among Those Who Deal with Words.

How strong the Projections are? Well, the big majority of them are easy to be defeated, but there are some so powerful and evil that existed since the Time Before History, being Stuff of Legends. And here we have something important: Projections feed on fear, hate, greed and other negative feelings. Many powerful Projections lives since ancient times through the power of myths and legends. Gobelins, Redcaps, Hags… They all exist because their words exists.

And are against those monsters that you will fight.

Let’s keep going … I see you are more comfortable now with the cat form … You can lick yourself clean if you want, no problem. By walking into this little Stationery World, your “natural” form is this one, then there is nothing wrong on it. You are subject to the rules of this reality, and thus the desire to lick yourself in this cat form, as part of this rule, is completely valid.

You see that creature there? That little green monster? It’s probably a someone else’s Projection. Let get out to to find what made it …

See that little purse which it’s clinging with itself? It must be something he didn’t want to give someone else. Probably a toy or candy. Anyway, our goal is to break down this barrier of him and make him let this feeling bad go away, by giving away that. Because otherwise that bad feeling will grow, and the more it grows, the more “real” and powerful the Projection is.

Come on. We can do this all by choosing the right words.

And soon you will learn to master the Power of Words.

Our world is logical-mathematical: everything is measured, classified, valued, taxed. Everyone and everything must be measured and classified, and everything not measured or below the ideal should be ignored and even discarded as inefficient or obsolete. Things, objects, values, ideals, people … Everything and everyone can (and will eventually be) left behind if seen as ineffective or obsolete.

To leave something behind to rot don’t make it disappear, however. It’ll still be there, somewhere, hidden in the shadows and corners of the minds. Whispering, lurking, voices. Enticing those who were lost or ignored. Those who have lost their value. Those neglected by society.

These people get into desperation, the absence of good feelings leading them to pain, and against that pain they form a Projection to “protect” themselves.

The problem is that they lose control over themselves to the Projection, that takes your body and mind “borrowed” to do harm against others.

You should never, ever, try to attack them with knives, missiles or any other kind of brute force: the Projections don’t suffer anything against it. Because they need to “protect” their host, that somehow keeps them in the physical world. And to protect themselves, both physically and mentally, they create an Inaction Field, which prevents anything to touch the target, because it works on the basis of the total resistance, applying as much resistance as necessary to prevent damage to the thing.

Similarly, the Projections have many kinds of attack modes, from thorns that keeps their targets far away and hurt them, to screams that knocks out their targets by causing panic on those who hear it.

However, there is a small group of people that are able to face the Projections. Chosen from childhood, they can see the harms that brought the Projections and understand their host’s pain. Thus, they are capable of curing such pain, making the Project disappear .

Interestingly, their symbol is something simple and old-fashioned: stationery paper.

This is because many of those stationery have images that for the right eye are not only images, but are symbols of a power that is not quantifiable, and so was forgotten.

The Power of Words.

Problems and Issues

  • Projections
    • Violence leads nowhere
    • Those who are ignored, forgotten …
  • The Importance of the ties that bind each other
    • Friendship is worthier than gold
    • Pen is sharper than Sword, and twice as harmful
  • The Guardians of the the Worlds
    • Cute designs with immense wisdom
  • The Power of Words
    • The Right Word, at The Right Time, in The Right Way
    • A kind of non-measurable, so “negligible”, Science

Places and People

  • The Guardians of the the Worlds
    • Cute designs with immense wisdom
    • They can be viewed only by those who are chosen
  • The Word Dealers
    • They Understand the non-measurable things
    • They can see the unseen
  • Projections
    • Brouht by the “right” words
    • Negative feelings that in fact don’t actually exist
    • Negative feelings are, in fact, the absence of Positive Feelings
  • The Non-Quantifiable
    • Everything non-measurable
    • Visible only to the Word Dealers
  • Stationary Worlds
    • Where the Words have more power
    • World of the Guardians
    • Forms based on the Intentions

Character Creation

Except said other way, as by Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE)

  • Aspects

    • High Concept, Trouble, Epiphany, Vision and a Free one
      • Epiphany: how the character discovered his Word Dealer ability
      • Vision: how he see Non-Measurable
  • Approaches

    • Flipping ones between Good and Bad.
    • Good Approaches

      • Castity: Related actions involving wisdom and simplicity
      • Charity: Generosity and Self-Sacrifice capacity
      • Temperance: Self-control and coolness
      • Kindness: deals with the kindness and inner peace
      • Dilligence: Objectivity and faith that things will get right
      • Patience: empathy and Friendship
      • Humility: respect and modesty
    • Bad Approaches

      • Lust: want only what you want, without realizing that sometimes you don’t have
      • Greed: not sharing things with others
      • Gluttony: to take everything you want
      • Envy: wanting what others have, without thinking of the consequences
      • Laziness: not bothering to get what you want
      • Wrath: wishing hurt to another, being you right on it or not
      • Pride: thinking you’re more capable than any other or that you really is
    • The characters have six good Approaches and and one bad at6 start. The bad one can’t be the Mediocre (+0) one, at least at the the Character Creation
    • Usually only Guardians have only Good Approaches
    • Balanced adults have no more than four Bad Approaches
    • Approaches: 1 Mediocre (+0), 3 Average (+1), 2 Fair (+2), 1 Good (+3);
  • Stunts

    • As By Fate Accelerated, up to three Free Stunts
  • Refresh

    • As By Fate Accelerated, three Free Refresh

Character Example - David Cesar


Aspect Type Aspect
High Concept Heir of Magic Words
Trouble Don’t Stir up with a Hornet’s Nest
Epiphany I saw my best friend becoming a Projection
Vision There are of those creatures everywhere
Free Lully is a good friend Guardian, but a too much goody two-shoes


Those in italics are Good ones, those in bold are Bad Ones

Approach Level
Castity Fair (+2)
Charity Fair (+2)
Temperance Average (+1)
Kindness Good (+3)
Envy Average (+1)
Wrath Average (+1)
Humility Mediocre (+0)

Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Projection Analyst: when you need to Investigate a projection, you receive +2 to Overcome with Kindness for obtaining the Projection’s Factors
  • In your Face: +2 to Create Adavntages with Wrath to discover the Projection’s Factors;
  • Martyr Spirit: +2 to Create Advantages with Charity to protect others from Projections;


Every Projection has a number of aspects (called Factors) that shows what happened to her, and why she became what she is now. To defeat a Projection, the characters must detect and remove each of the Factors of a Projection. However, Projections are very powerful when Dealing with Words: for each Factor that applies to a situation, they can add +1 in their tests (this is not considered an Aspect Invoke - it’s similar the Three Rocketeers system)

A Projection has the same Approaches the PCs have, distributed normally. However, they can’t use any Good Approach, and has a Bad Approach for each Factor they have

Projection Example - The destroyer


  • Every dog has his day
  • I will never cry again
  • I didn’t ask for all this
  • No more humiliations


Those in italics are Good ones, those in bold are Bad Ones. As a Projection, the Destroyer can’t use any of their Good Approaches.

Approach Level
Lust Average (+1)
Avarice Fair (+2)
Temperance Average (+1)
Kindness Fair (+2)
Envy Average (+1)
Wrath Good (+3)
Humility Mediocre (+0)


  • Spread the hate: +2 to Create Advantages using Envy by creating Aspects representing the things people envy each other;
  • Showing the dark side: +2 to Create Advatage with Wrath to discover Aspects of a target and show them into a distorted way to everyone else;

The Destroyer is one of the most common and dangerous Projections that can be seen: it reveals itself when a person suffers a lot of humiliation, specially those made gratuitally, as in bullying. In modern times, it is one of the ones who shows themselves most. Usually it will attack with violence, using his Wrath to hurt their target almost he can. Or perhaps she will try to turn back the pain she suffered by using Envy and Greed to shun or desmorilize their target.

When a Projection arises, it usually target (at least in theory) the one that caused the most pain and/or those who did “the last straw.” As an optional rule, the Storyteller can create projections on thugs system Fate Accelerated, the aspects being the same factors. However, she will never stop, and you start to expand their targets to everyone and everything else nearby.

Turning into a Projection

Every time a character flips one of their Good Approaches to a Bad one (see below, in Flipping Approaches), it has a chance to become a Projection. Make a Dilligence/Laziness roll against the number of Bad Approaches the character has at the time an Approach is flipped to Bad. If the character fails, it will turn into a Projection, receiving a Factor for each Bad Approach it have at the time.

By the way, every time a Projection take out or make someone Concede for him, and at that results a Approach Flipping, the Projection can try to Flip one of the Good Approaches it still have. It does the roll as normal, using the Good Approach it wants to Flip. If it Fails, the Projection grew stronger, by Flipping another Approach and receiving another Factor.

Reversing Approaches

Reverse an approach normally represents a sudden and painful break into the person’s paradigm. Generally only through continuous and systematic suffering a person suffers a Flip from a Good Approach to a Bad one. Similarly, only many time beside good examples allows an approach to be Flipped from Bad to Good.

Consider that the Good Approaches act as Conditions as in Fate System Toolkit, page 18, being they all, for healing effect, Sticky. When a character suffers an attack, he can choose to Reverse an Approach, if this make sense at the time, to absorb a number of stress steps equals to the Approach bonus. The GM has the final word on whether the character can or not Flip or a particular Approach, and can make suggestions of Approaches to be Flipped, according to the table below:

Good approach Bad approach
Charity Greed
Patience Wrath
Temperance Gluttony
Humility Pride
Kindness Envy
Dilligence Laziness
Castity Lust

Example: Renato is being constantly bullied at school and is decided that he will no more. When one of the school bullies gives you a very harsh beating, he has to Absorb a 3 steps hits due a punch. Curiously, this is his compassion level, Good (+3). He decides that that was enough and asks the GM if he can Flip his Patience to Wrath. The GM decides it’s a reasonable explanation for that Flip the character exploding in anger. Therefore, it absorbs the punch the bully gave and looks at it with bloodshot eyes, revealing there’s now only Wrath at his heart, with no more Patience

Reversing an Approach from Bad to Goos is a very long and difficult process, although. First of all, the character must observe or be observed by a character with the Good Aapproach to be Flipped Back. Then, the “recovering” character must make a resisted roll between his Bad Approach against the Good Approach of the character who is watching him. In this case, if the character fails, he will start the Good Approach Flipping, it being Flipped Back at the end of the scene. However, he can not do any roll using this Approach during this scen, otherwise he will need to restart the process. Alternatively, the character can:

  • Accept a success with a high cost to still act in spite of the Flipping Back proccess, or;
  • In the case of being involved into a conflict, he can give away: in this case, besides the normal benefits of a Giving Away, he may Flip Back his Good Approach;

Example: Renato had done lots of mischief and hurt after Flipping his Patience to Wrath. However, his best friend Marina decided to help him back and begins to “treat” him. She has Patience Fair (+2), and spends some time talking with Renato. It soon becomes clear to him that he was being stupid, so he decided to Flip Back his Wrath to Patience . He makes a resisted roll, rolling +--- for a Average (+1) result, while she gets a +00- to a Fair (+2) result. With that, he will “heal” the anger in his heart at the end of this scene. However, the GM decided it will not let the things be that simple: at that time, the bully who made him full of Wrath came back, with a strong urge to beat the crap from Renato. Renato can’t use his Wrath, or everything Marina did will go down with the flush. So he decides to concede: he describes that Renato put himself in front of Marina and tells the bully “Alright. If you want that so much, go ahead, but do not touch her!” He accepts being trashed by the bully (accepting a Mild Consequence in the proccess), while Marina run for the beadle. When she returns, Renato is lying in the ground, his whole body full of bruises and a swollen eye, but with a smile showing that he has now get back his Patience with those who can onle resort into violence for solving their problems.

You can reverse as many Good Approaches you want to absorb Stress, but you can only Flip Back a Bad Approach by scene. However, the Approach level don’t change in the process. So, you can’t Flip a Good Approach to absorb stress if it is Mediocre (+0). However, you can Flip Back a Bad Approach that is for some reason Mediocre (+0)(such as being switched with anothe Approach during a Minor Milestone), rolling normally. Because of this, as an optional rule the GM can not allow switching levels between two Approaches that are not from the same group, (like switching your Dilligence and Lust ratings)

Actions using the Reverse Approach

The Good and Bad Approaches are heads and tails from the same thing: a character with lots of Wrath can also has moments of Patience and vice-versa. So, if for any reason you need to do a roll from one Approach, and the character has the Reverse of the same, the character can in general do the roll, with those caveats:

  • The difficulty grows into +2;
  • The character can’t be Sucessful with a cost on this.

However, he can still uses the Aspects and Fate Points as normal at this roll.

The only exception to this rule is when you whant to Flip Back a character Bad Approach: this can only be done by characters with that Good Approach.

The GM can also define a roll that can be rolled by the two Approaches, like in the Projection roll, that can be done with Dilligence/Lazyness. In this case, there’s no penalties.

Projections and Stationary Papers

Projections don’t always assume their “real form” in our world. In fact, normally a Projection retains the “normal” form of those who generated him, with maybe something that show the Bad Approaches he haver, like a disheveled hair in the case of Laziness, bloodshot eyes in the case of Wrath or a bad-guy smile on case of Lust. It’s very uncommon that a Projection take its real form in our world. So, the Characters and their Guardians are able to bring the Projection into some kind of writing paper (commonly but not necessarily a Stationery Paper) with a Create Advatage roll of any of their Good Approaches opposed by the most powerful Bad Approach from the Projection (Teamwork bonuses applies).

Within this Stationary World, the character will assume a Construct Form, based on thing related with the design and the characteristics of the paper used (for example, a notebook with Fairies as cover art will make the characters take a Fairy Form). In this world, Projections will be forced to take their “Real Form”: if this don’t happen, the target in is not a Projection, and therefore can’t enter this Stationary World. The GM will describe the world as he sees it fits, always taking into account the object where the characters “entered”.

In terms of rules there are no changes in the tests, but the characters are affected to the elements of this world (being them treated as Aspects): this explains why it is so dangerous to go into objects that have a more hostile theme (as in a Batman notebook) as they would subject themselves to such rules (not that they have a choice), and so their ability to affect the Projections could fall, while the Projections influence against the characters could rise.

This “world” can be attacked by the Projections normally. Consider that they have a normal stress track of three boxes and two Conditions: Damaged (1) and Useless (4). The problem is that the conditions in question are NOT RECOVERABLE. And worse, the “world” has no way to defend itself: the characters must protect it. If the world is Defeated, the Projection will be free and can add a new Factor as Aspect, by Flipping another of the victim’s Approaches. And the characters are “ejected” from the Defeated (normally Destroyed) Stationary Paper, being Disoriented (as a Mild Consequence) and will have to start the whole process again.

An option to “defeat” of a Projection is a Knockout: if the Projection surrender or is Defeated in a purely physical conflict, the Projection will retreat, “freeing” temporarily his victim, but still whispering in his mind: as soon as an Aspect of him is forced (including the Projection’s Factors), the projection take the control back. The only way to Defeat a Projection for good is to discover and remove (via Create Advantages and Overcome actions) its Factors, one by one. Just by Defeat a Projection the PCs can get out a Stationary World normally.

The Stationary World Rules are considered as Scenario Aspects while the characters are inside of it. Eache World has several Rules: the GM can set as many as he want, at least one. Any change that a Rule could apply not imply into personality changes of thos involved. Curiously, the Projections are immune to the shapeshifting effects that some rules can do. We advise something between 1 to 3 Aspects as Rules. Rules can be known by normal Create Advantages rolls with suitable Approaches.

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