Can Reindeers Fly?
16 Dec 2016
The Company is in the Arctic, a snowy and cold barren wilderness, with some green patches, with forests, glades and meadows here and there. The Company had gone there for some specific reason, perhaps looking for clues about their Heart’s Desires, maybe hearing something about Father Christmas and perhaps looking for some kind of magical help (or not). They stop at a local village near the Christmas Village, that they can spot in the middle of the white barren wild when the local people will mention that the villagers that works in the Christmas Village sounds worried.
If the Company talk with them, they will explain that Santa (another name for Father Christmas) is worried if his reindeer could not fly this year. They will explain that Santa’s reindeers are like any other reindeer found in the region’s glades and woods but treated in a special way with a special magic compound provided by the Fairies to give them their iconic magical abilities of flying and wondrous speed.
If the characters look for Santa, he will receive them in the Christmas Village and will explain that he would actually be unable to travel the world without resorting into the Fairy Dust provided by a friendly Fairy, the Sugarplum Fairy, which is mixed in the reindeer food of hay, carrots and sugar. But she couldn’t be found in recent times, and the power of the Fairy Dust is waning, which turns dangerous for him to travel through the sky as he could fall from the sky to death when the Fairy Dust magic wanes. But he will do it if needed, even if this could put his life under strife:
“I can not help but fulfill my obligations at Christmas, especially when many children see in me the only hope of some happiness, but I prefer to avoid the risks as far as I can. I’m also worried I took some action that bothered the Sugarplum Fairy and made me to lose her friendship. I would just like to understand what happened, if so.”
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- Problem: Santa needs to deliver the Christmas presents, but the fairy that provided the Fairy Dust needed for the reindeer flies did not contact him this year;
- Solution: Find this Fairy and see what can be done until Christmas