Ballistic (Real Name: Sturm Williams)


Type Aspect
Power Aspect C-Class Ajas/Jumper
Villain Aspect Rain of punches turned human
Trouble Too Much Arrogant
Background Whitlow’s Alumni
Background Might is Right


Attribute Level
Alertness Great (+4)
Athleticism Great (+4)
Physique Superb (+5)
Discernment Average (+1)
Willpower Fair (+2)


Skill Level
Aid Average (+1)
Deceive Fair (+2)
Engineering Average (+1)
Fight Good (+3)
Investigate Average (+1)
Larceny Average (+1)
Provoke Fair (+2)
Rapport Fair (+2)
Shoot Good (+3)
Stealth Good (+3)


Attribute Level

Stunts [ SFP Remaining: 3 ]

  • Superhuman Physique x2 (Physique Epic (+7), SFP 4)
  • Mighty
  • Charge
  • Top of the Class
  • Hard as Nails
  • Close Quarter Combat - Roll Athleticism (Fair Difficult) to ‘Jump’ (Teleport) nearby a target. Must be on a number of zones away the target no bigger than Alertness Attribut Bonus (actually 1)
  • Instant CQC - Can, paying 1 FP, use Close Quarter Combat without rolling. He can do this as a reaction also.

Stress and Consequences

Stress Bar
Physical 4
Mental 3
Resources 2
Consequences Normal Extra Physical Extra Mental Extra Resource
Mild (+2) 1 1    
Moderate (+4) 1 1   1
Severe (+6) 1      

Sukhoi (Real Name: Tomász ‘Tom’ Yurivich Sokolov)

Yuri Gregorivitch Volochenko was an USSR agent at US during the Cold War. When the Iron Curtain fell, Yuri chosed to forfeit his links with KGB and defect for US. He then married with Saryia Dominyaskya Sokolov, a part of the Nomenklatura (USSR government) that stayed as a diplomat and was an acquaintance of him, albeit she never knew about his actions as a spy.

After some time, however, he forfeited all the values from communist USSR and this provoked a rift between Yuri and Saryia, so long that, just a week after Tomász was born, his father left the family for an adventure, a “typical capitalism pig action” (Saryia’s quote)

Saryia had some problem to stabilish herself as a single mom in US, but the russian translations and UN work had provided her enough money to raise Tomász. She chose to go for another city, a medium one where a college could have an use on a Russian translator and teacher. And there had gone Saryia and Tomász.

Just a little after they came to the new home, she discovered Yuri died, penniless at Vegas.

It was a little dificult to raise Tomász into a small country where a weird russian kid was saw as part of the Red Danger. He then mingled himself into a small clique of leftist college guys. As he read russian, he could lecture almost everyone on all things Lenin and he also read Marx and Engels from the source.

But he didn’t saw Communism as something to be imposed: he had the belief that the Capitalism would ruin itself by leaving the rotten fruits into the basket. So, he continued his studies in the college.

Until The Event.

In the craziness just after The Event, he heard people into a room screaming: it was a Chemistry lab where things were going in flames.

He thought on how to get away the flames, and had the idea to remove oxygen from nearby the flames, making her going exthingish.

And he did it.

He passed the next fays training on how to use those powers, and it was when Jake came. He was know using the name Prop as a cape and he asked for help to bring some supplies for the local hospital.

He accepted, and as he discovered he could fly by pushing winds like a helicopter, he chosed the name Sukhoi.

He also discovered that he had some kind of supersenses: He could see and hear on long distances.

Sukhoi is a support for the others, looking high and coordinating the team Actions. He still works with the CAI, but he’s a leftist after all: he believe in the importance of a State that works For The People, and that People should be the Main Source of Power. He sometimes have heated debates on politics with the others, but in action, he’s unquestionable a cape, a hero, a CAI Member.


Type Aspect
Power Aspect B-Class Aerokinect with Supersenses
Hero Aspect Post-Cold War, Post-Event, Hero
Trouble Don’t talk about my fatherlt
Background “Socialism is all about people, as so Capitalism”
Background Leftist Hero


Attribute Level
Alertness Great (+4)
Athleticism Superb (+5)
Discernment Great (+4)
Willpower Good (+3)
Presence Average (+1)


Skill Level
Academics Good (+3)
Aid Fair (+2)
Deceive Average (+1)
Engineering Good (+3)
Fight Average (+1)
Investigate Fair (+2)
Larceny Average (+1)
Provoke Average (+1)
Rapport Average (+1)
Shoot Fair (+2)


Attribute Level
Contacts Fair (+2)

Stunts [ SFP Remaining: 2 ]

  • Great Control x3 (Willpower Fantastic +6 - 6 SFP)
  • Great Force
  • Long Range
  • Hard Hitting
  • Supersenses
  • Poryv vetra (Wind blast) - WR 6 (SFP 3)

Stress and Consequences

Stress Bar
Physical 2
Mental 4
Resources 2
Consequences Normal Extra Physical Extra Mental Extra Resource
Mild (+2) 1      
Moderate (+4) 1     1
Severe (+6) 1      

Split/Second (Real Name: Winston Clemens)

Winston Clemens had already deal with the hardships in life.

Born into a somewhat poor, son from an ex-Black Panther, he learned fast to solve problems with all he could. He learned some fighting and also gone for school for study. He wasn’t good enough for one of the big colleges, so he gone for the local community college for a Engeneering Major and then for the Army.

He served at places like Angola and Irak, on all he had worked with the bomb squad. His proficiency on disarming bombs gave him what he could to better his life, and as soon he was honorably discharged from Army, he came back to his city, and got into Police’s Bomb Squad.

But this could be his death sentence.

A crazy Verne attacked the city and put a Vernetech bomb on it. The local capes isolated the place, but they had not the knowledge on how to deal with explosives. So the Bomb Squad was called.

A Vernetech device, even from a D-Class Verne, is a great problem. So Winston chose to deal with this by himself.

Bad idea.

As soon he started to analyse it, he noted that the countdown gone fast. He dealt with it as good as possible, but he failed.

The bomb exploded.

And he had his breakthorugh, whem he thought on how to get away with the building, as it was only him there.

He noticed the time dilation and he started to run away from the shrapels released by the bomb. He was hit by some of them, but if wasn’t the breakthrough, he would be made into mincemeat.

He got out just in time to see the building collapsing and getting into the ground.

He was discharged from Police and it was when the local CAI team, Prop, asked for his help.

He accepted, choosing as capename the time he had to run away from that bomb: a Split-Second.

He is very touchy on racism or otherwise hate-speak: as the son of an ex-Black Panther, he learned to fight the fight against prejudice.

He is an specialist on mechanics and all kind of engeneering things: he never commited the same error he did on his breakthrough again.


Type Aspect
Power Aspect B-Class Speedster
Hero Aspect From Bomb Squad to Hero Squad
Trouble I’ll not do the same mistake again
Background “If I die, at least I’ll die lightly”
Background Son of an ex-Black Panther - Touchy about racism


Attribute Level
Alertness Good (+3)
Athleticism Great (+4)
Physique Good (+3)
Discernment Good (+3)
Willpower Fair (+2)
Presence Fair (+2)


Skill Level
Academics Average (+1)
Drive Average (+1)
Engineering Superb (+5)
Fight Average (+1)
Larceny Fair (+2)
Rapport Average (+1)
Stealth Fair (+2)
Survival Average (+1)


Attribute Level

Stunts [ SFP Remaining: 2 ]

  • Absolute Speed x3 (Athleticism Epic +7 - 6 SFP)
  • Plenty of Time
  • Can’t Stop Me
  • Popular
  • I’ve Read about That!
  • The MacGyver
  • Power of Deduction

Stress and Consequences

Stress Bar
Physical 3
Mental 3
Resources 2
Consequences Normal Extra Physical Extra Mental Extra Resource
Mild (+2) 1      
Moderate (+4) 1      
Severe (+6) 1      
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