Mairead Mag Raith (McRae), Community Spirit


Type Aspect
High Concept A girl from a Irish family that lives for her community
Trouble “Not having much is not an excuse to share” - Samaritan to the core
  Touched by the Sidhe? - Hair and Eyes with “bright” colors
  Lady Danaan knows how I think
  Tales, Legends and Stories


Approach Level
Careful Good (+3)
Clever Fair (+2)
Flashy Fair (+2)
Forceful Average (+1)
Quick Average (+1)
Sneaky Mediocre (+0)

Centurion Stunt

  • Dagda’s Cauldron: Mairead is blessed with a quasi-supernatural knack to find and use everything around her to feed and provide herself and/or everyone with they need. Twice per session, Mairead can declare that she can take what is near her to provide everyone with their basic needs. This came in game as Aspects with one Free Invoke per Aspect, that are named like “This grub is really good!” or “Those clothes in the trash are still good to be used!”.

Common Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • I Just Have the thing: (p.92)
  • Q.E.D.: (p.93)


Mairead is called as Touched by the Sidhe, as her appearance is very uncommon: copper colored and almost metallic, very bright hair, and also very green, emerald-like eyes. Impressively, no matter her clothes state, no matter how much patches she herself applied into her dresses, she always looks like an angel or a little pixie of a fairy.


Mairead lives for their communities: no matter the group, she always thinks on herself as a support, a glue that make people stay into the group as a whole. She don’t like to be alone, but has no problem to be a small part on a big group. Besides, she knows how to deal with great groups: her typically Irish raising, with lots of brothers and sisters, provided her with the tools she needs to deal on those cases.


The Irish Great Famine, that longed between 1810 and 1879, caused a great Irish Diaspora to form into United States. And into the last families that ran away from Irish were born Connor and Eileen MagRaith, that married in 1890. For 10 years they worked hard and raised money to buy a small house in New York, where he worked as docker and she worked as teacher. Life was not easy, money was always short, but they were always worried with their neighbors, many times receiving those into worst situation into their home.

Eileen’s delivery was commemorated by everyone into the neighborhood, and the birthing at the strokes that marked the new century beginning was taken as a good auspice, even more when they all saw the little almost emerald green eyes and the little very red, between copper and blood, eyebrows.

And, with time, this grew even more patent, when little Mairead helped her parents tidying home, and the community with many things: going to buy some potatoes and vegetables, making bread, play the violin in the parties, even doing some little magic tricks to cheer up those smaller then her in the Easter time. All those talents, showing with time, made everyone think that she was somewhat “touched by the Sidhe: in fact, the respected (and sometimes feared) bag lady called only Lady Danaan recommended she to be tuteled by some people from the philanthropic society called The Century Club.

And that was the way Mairead learned she was one of the 20th Century Spirits, destined to discover, preserve and reinforce into this century important values and ambitions. She soon learned her role, to reinforce the importance of community, from the little Irish neighborhood in Clinton, Manhattan, to the world, as she knows that every family (and humanity is a family) always shatters from the inside, not from the outside.

Ibi, Earth Spirit


Type Aspect
High Concept A little Amazonian Native girl that speaks with Mother Earth
Trouble Animals and Nature’s life are as important as our lives
  Juma knows everything about myself and always will be with me
  Vegetarian: don’t eat meat
  Condor Animal Spirit - wants to know more about the world outside


Approach Level
Careful Good (+3)
Clever Fair (+2)
Flashy Mediocre (+0)
Forceful Average (+1)
Quicky Fair (+2)
Sneaky Average (+1)

Centurion Stunt

  • Animal Bounding: Ibi, as an Amazonian Native, lives and is linked with nature, and can call animal spirits and talk to them, and sometimes tap into their power. Twice per Session, she can create Aspects related with animals she knows with a Free Invoke per time. She can only do this with animals she knows and that are common in the regions or she can find a exemplar into short distance (at least a neighborhood)

Common Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Talk With Animals: +2 when Creating Advantages while being Careful while “talking” with animals. They can’t “say” things they don’t know or could not describe
  • Nature’s Lore: +2 when Creating Advantages while being Careful related with her knowledge on the Nature and how it works into the wilderness


Ibi is normal sized for an Amazon native, and uses just a kind of skirt made of leaves, and a little headband with leaves and so. She sometimes use a kind of bra made of leaves. She can also use “white man” clothes when needed.


Ibi values her freedom, Nature and animals. She is curious about the white men ways and about the world outside her tribe, but at the same time she has no patience or respect with those who disrepect the Nature. She still is someway unconfortable with the idea to go to the world outside. She trust even more Juma, a very old but strong shaman for her tribe and the Guardian of the Xivipi Talisman.


Ibi was born (she didn’t know until she was older) in the first strokes of the new century, in her tribe. The Condor crying during her birth was considered a kind of auspice, one that Juma, the local shaman, said she should be raised as a special child for Mother Nature. Ibi learned lots from everyone, specially from Juma, that talked a lot about the white man and on how sooner on later she would get out the tribe, to go to the world outside, to learn and get back, as Juma herself did when she was a lot younger, wiser and stronger in mind and knowledge, to use either white man knowledge and the old time wisdom. And so Ibi waits for the time she’ll get to the world outside.

O Clube das Ciências Proibidas

Baseado em Hollow Fields

Um raríssimo clube de ser encontrado, e ainda mais liberado, esse Clube visa o uso de tecnologias e ciências proibidas, como reanimação de corpos, enxertos, robótica assassina, raios mortais e outros tipos de Coisas Que O Ser Humano Não Deveria Conhecer. Normalmente seus integrantes são filhos ou de outro modo ligado a vilões mundiais e seguem fazendo experimentos diversos para aprenderem a ser vilões que usam a Ciência para seus terríveis fins. Ainda assim, de quando em quando cai em seus meios alguém que procura fazer o bem, ainda que isso seja um tanto difícil, pois o tipo de coisas que são feitas ao estudar-se as Ciências Proibidas não é para os de estômago fraco.

Façanhas do Clube

  • Engenhoca: Suas habilidades como cientista louco permitiram você desenvolver uma Engenhoca que você usa para os mais diversos fins. Essa Engenhoca funciona como uma Façanha normal do Fate Acelerado, e você deve definir como essa Engenhoca será usada. A Engenhoca será tratada como um Aspecto adicional seu, com as vantagens e desvantagens do mesmo. Para acionar a Engenhoca, você deve pagar 1 Ponto de Destino por uso, mas ela não conta como uma Façanha Ativável.
  • Robótica (Katsu): O Cientista Louco em questão conhece como trabalhar com robótica (em especial baseada em mecanismos de relógio) e com isso pode construir um Robô improvisado em cima da hora. Para efeito dessa Façanha, uma vez Ativada, role Esperto contra dificuldade Medíocre. O número de passos obtidos (mínimo 1) é o número de Façanhas que o seu Robô terá, sendo qie ele deverá ser construído seguindo as regras do Clube de Robótica, mas uma vez destruído, ele o será para sempre. Cada ativação permite construir um Robô segundo essas regras.
  • Enxertos e Taxinomia (Katsu): Esse Cientista Louco conhece muito bem como realizar adaptações em criaturas vivas (ou não), de modo a poder criar verdadeiras quimeras. Para efeito mecânico, ela funciona como a Façanha Robótica, mas ela também recebe uma Façanha adicional indicando algo especial que ela pode fazer (crie como no Fate Acelerado ou utilize qualquer Façanha não-Ativável em Bukatsu)
  • Armamentos (Katsu): Esse Cientista Louco sabe como desenvolver Armamentos dos mais diversos tipos, desde um coelhinho de pelúcia com um soco de mola imbutido, até mesmo mísseis e outros tipos de armas incrivelmente poderosas. Ao criar uma Arma assim, o Cientista Louco pode optar por +2 no dano que a mesma irá provocar ou provocar diretamente no alvo uma Consequência reduzindo o estress provocado em 2, não podendo com isso tornar o estresse provocado negativo (mas podendo o zerar).
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