Taranis, the Centaur Runekeeper (they/them)


Type Aspect
High Concept: A Centaur Runekeeper that is weaker than other Centaurs
Motivation: Gather to Knowledge to fulfill his destiny: topple the Masters
Background: Many know me, few are friends of mine
Relationship: Don’t mess up with my friends
Free: Doesn’t respect hierarchies

Approaches and Skills

Careful (A) Clever (B) Flashy (C) Forceful (F) Quick (D) Sneaky (E)
Good (+3) Fair (+2) Fair (+2) _Mediocre (+0) Average (+1) Average (+1)
Investigate Craft (Z) Rapport Fight Athletics Burglary (Z)
Will (S) Lore (S) Contacts (Z) Physique Notice Stealth
Empathy (E) Provoke Resources Drive Shoot (Z) Deceive

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

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