Puffers Underhill - Chapter 6 - Gateling/Pyre: Vaer
10 Apr 2023
- Garden, Mountain, Workshop
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- Gateling
- Clear Starry Skies
- Cold Cold Nights
- The Smell You Imagine Home Would Smell Like
- Bonfires
- The First Few Orange Leaves
- Sweet Treats
- Kids Camping Out In Tents
- Pyre
- Tossing Worries Into The Fire
- Roasted Sweets On Sticks
- Spooky Masks And Costumes
- Learning How To Light Fires
- Buckets Of Candy
- Garden (Fruits and Veggies)
- Describe the abundance all around us.
- Threaten the health and vitality of the abundance.
- Ask: “What do you need most right now?” Give them a token if they can’t find it here.
- Trees Overburdened With Fruit
- Prismatic Butterflies
- The Peach Tree’s Prophetic Blossom (Folklore)
- Mountain
- Describe what can be seen from way up here.
- Show someone pushed to desperate extremes.
- Isolate someone from everyone else, and give them a token.
- A Sign Someone Was Here Once
- A Cautious Creature Hiding Just Out Of Sight
- The North Wind God And What He Taught Us (Folklore)
- Workshop
- Describe the process of creation.
- Show conflict between expectations and demand.
- Give someone a token if they work hard and sweat over their creation.
- A Work Song
- An Imaginative Craftsperson Who Made One of Your Treasures
- The Neverending Tapestry (Folklore)