Fang Sharpwise


Type Aspect
High Concept The son of the Big Bad Wolf that doesn’t want nothing on family business
Heart’s Desire I want to be see as a person, not as a monster
Tension Alchemist or Monster?
Motivation/Method Reason and Instinct walks side by side
Seventh Aspect  


Create Advantage           Attack
Alchemist +2 +1 Neutral +1 +2 Monster
  -2 -1   -1 -2  
Overcome           Defense


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Magic (Alchemy)      
Good (+3) Craft (Alchemy) Lore    
Fair (+2) Fight Notice Shoot  
Average (+1) Investigate Empathy Will Physique

Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Grimoire: When you’re making something you’ve created before, you gain +2 to your Alchemy roll.
  • Danger Sense: You have an almost preternatural capacity for detecting danger. Your Notice skill works unimpeded by conditions like total concealment, darkness, or other sensory impairments in situations where someone or something intends to harm you.
  • Cold Rage: By choosing go into a Berserk Rage during a Conflict, +2 on all his Conflict-focused rolls, but -2 on everything else. During the Conflict, he has the Aspect Monstrous on him.

Aubergine, the White Rabbit


Type Aspect
High Concept A rabbit always late for so important dates
Heart’s Desire I want some calm and peace for a change
Tension The social duties
Motivation/Method See things as they are, not as we want them to be
Seventh Aspect  


Overcome           Create Advantage
Freedom +2 +1 Neutral +1 +2 Duty
  -2 -1   -1 -2  
Defense           Attack


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Rapport      
Good (+3) Empathy Notice    
Fair (+2) Investigate Will Lore  
Average (+1) Provoke Deceive Stealth Athletics

Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Eavesdropper: On a successful Investigate roll to create an advantage by eavesdropping on a conversation, you can discover or create one additional aspect (though this doesn’t give you an extra free invocation).
  • Nose for Trouble: You can use Empathy instead of Notice to determine your turn order in a conflict, provided you’ve gotten a chance to observe or speak to those involved for at least a few minutes beforehand during this scene.
  • Child of the Court: Gain a +2 bonus to any attempt to overcome obstacles with Rapport when you’re at an aristocratic function, such as a royal ball.

Prince Alberich Van Der Waar


Type Aspect
High Concept A prince searching for profound answers
Heart’s Desire I want to be a wise and just king, as my father is
Tension How to rule: by the sword or by the word?
Motivation/Method Sometimes is good to be a Prince, with all the perks involved
Seventh Aspect  


Attack           Create Advantage
Warrior +2 +1 Neutral +1 +2 Adventure
  -2 -1   -1 -2  
Defense           Overcome


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Fight      
Good (+3) Lore Rapport    
Fair (+2) Shoot Empathy Provoke  
Average (+1) Physique Athletics Stealth Resources

Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Heavy Hitter: When you succeed with style on a Fight attack and hoose to reduce the result by one to gain a boost, you gain a full situation aspect with a free invocation instead.
  • Shield of Reason: You can use Lore as a defense against Provoke attempts, provided you can justify your ability to overcome your fear through rational thought and reason.
  • Demagogue: +2 to Rapport when you’re delivering an inspiring speech in front of a crowd. (If there are named NPCs or PCs in the scene, you may target them all simultaneously with one roll rather than dividing up your shifts.)
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