Marcellus “Malakar” Alatriste - Spirit of Fantasy


Type Aspect
High Concept A boy full of dreas, many of them that can be true
Trouble Totally over the clouds
  “Hey, I want to see (and hear, and talk) this story!”
  “And it was so that happened…“ - always go for the most fantastic solution
  If we dream togheter, it can be true - Blessed by Aesop


*Approach Level
Careful Mediocre (+0)
Clever Fair (+2)
Flashy Bom (+3)
Forceful Average (+1)
Quick Average (+1)
Sneaky Fair (+2)

Centurion Stunt

  • Vivid Dreams Marcellus can use his storyteller skills to induce people into a “fictional” setting where he can put some details and they only get out when Marcellus wants or by accomplish some objective he put in the moment he call this. Two times per session he puts in game a Dream-land Aspxet, with a Free Invoke. Marcellus’ player need to describe what this Dream-land is all about, and the objective to be accomplished. The Aspect stay in game while the targets were “locked” into those Dream-land (max. one scene or until Marcellus is take out)

Common Stunts [ Refresh: 2 ]

  • Thespian (p. 100)
  • Raconteur (p. 100)
  • Stage Magician (p. 100)


Marcellus is a very uncommon looking kid: hay colored hair into a traditional haircut, green eyes, a little skinny, but with an elegant cut. He is always impeccably well-dressed no matter what.


Marcellus looks like (and is) somewhat out of reality. But take this as a Peter Pan Syndrome, you didn’t understood him: he’s clever and very aware of what’s happening. He just likes to find the most inspiring, fantastic, out-of-box, uncommon sollution.


Marcellus is from a family with great tradition in the racounteurs, storyteller, circus, vaudeville, theater and all kinds of storytelling. His father has blood from the first King Lear, and her mother can track his ancestor to the Comedia Dell’Arte.

When Marcellus was born a little after the End of Year presentation, when 20th Century was born from the ashes of 19th Century, they felt in their hearts the blessings of Aesop, Thalia, Melpomen, Clio and all the Muses amd Deities and Patron Saints for arts and artistes.

This was shown as true very soon: when he was two, he already learned how to read. With three, debuted into stage. With five, already was rehearsing for important roles.

It was when his family was found by that weird man called Aesop, that said that Marcellu should be sent to the Century Club, a society of gentlemen and women that is focused into mankind’s evolution, to be tuteled. He wasn’t in the club himself, but he had very important contacts into the Club that could teach hum and work son Marcellus could develop his talents and put them at work as much as possible.

And so, Malakar (his stage name) started to get into his own story. His own tale. His own Fable.

Shotaro/Kawaii - um novo Estereótipo em Bukatsu

Baseado em Colégio Ouran Host Club, Negima!! Magister Negi Magi e Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi

Você é um personagem que existe em muitos Animes e Mangás: alguém que é muito mais baixo que o normal e que, além de tudo, assume um comportamento eou personalidade muito infantil. De fato, muitos acham que você é um fracote miserável pela sua aparência fofa, seu modo de vestir certinho, sua postura otimista e pelo fato de sempre estar sorrindo e brincando. Algumas vezes você até mesmo carrega um ursinho ou algum tipo de bicho de pelúcia fofo com você (ao menos em alguns locais, como no seu clube). As pessoas que realmente te conhecem, entretanto, sabem que ou você faz isso por tipo, e na verdade você é muito mais sério do que aparenta, ou que por dentro você é uma maçã podre e envenenada, pronta para contaminar aqueles que caem no seu olhar fofo!

A versão feminina do Shotaro é a Garota Kawaii.

  • Olhar Fofo (Katsu): sempre que você precisar convencer alguém a fazer algo que essa pessoa não gostaria de fazer, você pode acionar seu Olhar Fofo e, com isso, receber +2 em seu teste de Criar Vantagem ou Superar e, além disso, ter seu resultado final elevado em um nível para aquele teste (Falha passa a ser Empate; Empate passa a ser Sucesso; e qualquer Sucesso passa a ser com Estilo)

Mayfield Wright - Philantropic Spirit


Type Aspect
High Concept Family heir that is always helps the less fortunated
Dificuldade Poor Little Rich Girl, albeit a mischievous one
  “I can’t find friends into other kids from my age”
  Much more clever than would be expected from a cute little angel
  “Amadeu, my tutor, is a great fellow.”


Approach Level
Careful Good (+3)
Clever Fair (+2)
Flashy Fair (+2)
Forceful Mediocre (+0)
_Quick Average (+1)
Sneaky Average (+1)

Centurion Stunt

  • I can pay for this: As she has lots of money and wants to help as much as possible, Mayfield receive +2 when Creating Advantages or Overcome problems related with money and resources being Careful

Common Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • I have just the thing: p. 92
  • Pomp and circunstance: receive +2 when Creating Advantages while being Flashy into respectable social circles;


Mayfield is a cute little angle from the New York high-society. She’s the typical childish beauty: strawberry blonde hair, big blue eyes and rosy cheeks full of freckles, always dressed impecably in beautiful stylish dresses. However, her eyes shows a need that even herself can’t say of what.


Mayfiels is someone that, until now, is on a golden cage, which sadden her a lot. Although she knows her parents need to work and make their businesses run, she would love to have more time with them. She understands, however, she works not only for them or for her, but for many people.


Many families in U.S. have a philantropic record: either by a personal sense of ethics or by the taxes discounts, families like the Rockfeller, Morgan and Carnegie use their money to help those the Government can’t (or sometimes want not) help.

The Wright family can trace their resources and investments in U.S. since the Mayflower, and passing by almost all the big historical U.S. events. So it’s not that strange that, in the Civil War time, they helped to fund the U.S. Chapter of the Century Club to fight the Shadows in the time. Money never was a problem, thanks of an almost perfect combination of knack for business, good administration, right contacts, and, why not, some luck. And the link between the Wright and the Club had skyrocketed.

So, when Grace Wrgiht, Ms. William Wright VI, gave birth for a little girl in the first seconds of January 1st, 1901, it was not a surprise to think she would be one of the 20th Century Spirits.

This way, Grace and his husband start to prepare the little Mayfield for the future from the earliest childhood. So she had been tutaleted from the start, learning things like Maths, English, Latin, Rhetorics and Business Management.

But she was a child after all, and she felt many times the urge for playing with kids that she saw as poorer than herself (almost everyone). Not a few times those mischievous capers had put her into danger, like in the time she mingled herself in the midst of the newsies. But her parents, even retorting her, understood why she did that.

It was when Mr. Willia Wright VI, talking with the people in the Club, understood that it would be a good experience for Mayfield if she got, at least for some time, to the Madam Sheridan’s Orphan’s House And Boarding School, that was supported by the Club.

So, she started to get to the Boarding School, where she could be like all the othe kids, and where she have some of the best moments, where she can be herself and just that, without need to follow the rigid norms from the New York High Society. Where she can be really happy, and she could receive something back from her effort while helping her family’s philantropic work.

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