Chen Wang, a fighter from the Far East


Type Aspect
High Concept A wandering warrior, far away from his home
Heart’s Desire I want to Ascend to Bhuddahood knowledge
Tension I’ll always walk between the Two Rivers
Motivation/Method The hand of Buddha, the palm of Buddha
Seventh Aspect  


Attack           Create Advantage
Wrath +2 +1 Neutral +1 +2 Ambition
  -2 -1   -1 -2  
Defense           Overcome


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Fight      
Good (+3) Will Physique    
Fair (+2) Athletics Shoot Lore  
Average (+1) Empathy Rapport Provoke Stealth

Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Heavy Hitter: When you succeed with style on a Fight attack and choose to reduce the result by one to gain a boost, you gain a full situation aspect with a free invocation instead.
  • Indomitable: +2 to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear.
  • Dim Mak: if concentrate his Chi for a Turn, he can Attack a target with +2 using his bare hands. In a Success, can reduce the result by 1 and force the stress be absorbed straight on the Consequences.

Shimmer the Genie


Type Aspect
High Concept A Genie jealous on other’s freedom
Heart’s Desire I want that people wants to be with be for what I am, not want I can
Tension My life is all about others desires… When I’ll have my own?
Motivation/Method Everything I do is for other, they like it or not
Seventh Aspect  


Attack           Create Advantages
Freedom +2 +1 Neutral +1 +2 Altruism
  -2 -1   -1 -2  
Overcome           Defense


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Magic (Great Magic)      
Good (+3) Lore Rapport    
Fair (+2) Athletics Empathy Resources  
Average (+1) Provoke Deceive Stealth Will

Stunts [ Refresh: 3 ]

  • Cantrips: Can use some small cantrips by herself with Great Magic. However, can’t ue it to Attack or Defense
  • First star I see tonight:  once per session , can detect desires for someone. With a Fair (+2) Empathy check, can detect someone’s Heart’s Desire
  • I’ve Read about That!: You’ve read hundreds—if not thousands—of books on a wide variety of topics. You can spend a fate point to use Lore in place of any other skill for one roll or exchange, provided you can justify having read about the action you’re attempting.

Shimmer’s magic limits

Normally a PC can’t use Great Magic. Shimmer can do Great Magic under those conditions below:

  • She can use Great Magic for herself, except via Cantrips
  • Each character can ask at most 3 wishes for her. As soon he does it, he can’t asks for Shimmer’s help no more;

Scintilla, the Little Pixie


Type Aspect
High Concept A sassy pure-hearted fairy
Heart’s Desire I want some to obtain the wisdom my parents and grandparents have
Tension Life is fun, rules are a bore!
Motivation/Method Faith, trust… And pixie dust… Can do everything
Seventh Aspect  


Defense           Create Advantage
Duty +2 +1 Neutral +1 +2 Fun
  -2 -1   -1 -2  
Attack           Overcome


Level Skill Skill Skill Skill
Great (+4) Magic (Geasa)      
Good (+3) Will Lore    
Fair (+2) Resources Empathy Rapport  
Average (+1) Deceive Notice Provoke Investigate

Stunts [ Refresh: 2 ]

  • Nose for Trouble: You can use Empathy instead of Notice to determine your turn order in a conflict, provided you’ve gotten a chance to observe or speak to those involved for at least a few minutes beforehand during this scene.
  • Psychologist: Once per session you can reduce someone else’s consequence by one level of severity (severe to moderate, moderate to mild, mild to nothing at all) by succeeding on an Empathy roll with a difficulty of Fair (+2) for a mild consequence, Good (+3) for moderate, or Great (+4) for severe. You need to talk with the person you’re treating for at least half an hour in order for them to receive the benefits of this stunt, and you can’t use it on yourself. (Normally, this roll would only start the recovery process, instead of changing the consequence level.)
  • Fairy Dust: Using a Fate Point, he can Enchant automatically a target (non-voluntary ones can resist by Will)
  • Staff of Power: You gain +2 to your Magic rolls when using a staff as a focus.
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