Natva, the Skunk-Man Warrior

Born a slave, his family and clan was sold as slave to one of the Masters. When he proved himself strong enough in combat when he was five, he was trained as a gladiator, surviving lots of robeats and fights, even when the robeast was really bigger than himself.

In his heart, however, he still wanted freedom and revenge. He faked his loyalty to the Master because he knew about his power, but also used his fame to contact some rebels that was working to topple the Master.

With time, he grew as one of the favorite of the rabble, as he defeated enemies more and more powerful in the arenas. And his power and influence grew.

It was when Natva chose that the time had came to rise the people against the Master…

A rebellion that started and fell in a blink of eye.

Natva and his allies’ power and influence where less than nothing against the Artifacts and forbbiden knowledge the Master had.

Many of his allies had died, his blood mixing with the people that risen against the Master and was killed by example

Natva received a destiny worse than death,

On a very specially made ceremony, ready by the Master himself to gloat on his power, Natva was forced to drink from the Chalice of Changing, a very rare Artifact that is said was created by some god or by the Demiurges. The liquid on it, from a nauseating smell and even worse taste, made Natva pass through a very shameful, humiliating transformation, that turned him form the very powerful and vigorous gladiator to a Mephitum, a skunk-man.

Why, on the populace the Mephita where always saw as raiders and dishonarable rabble and scoundrels. Add on this that he was one of the leaders of the failed rebellion, and Natva fell in disgrace. And to worse even more, the Master declared Natva a Persona Non Grata, someone that could be humiliated, ashamed and even killed for anyone without consequence.

No wonder he ran away to the Wilderness Nexuses in shame, wander around withou any destiny, until he found a clan of Mephita scholars called the Speakers of Dead, that celebrated (and chastised) the lives of those recently deceased.

During months, he stayed with them, learning the Ways of the Mephita, how to fight and control the worst piece of his shameful transformation, the nauseating stink from his tail now turned into a weapon he could control. After that time, understanding what he was now, when the Speakers of Dead came to the Fartime Elysium, a Freeland where he could stay with Delaware, teaching what he could for those who needed to learn the combat arts.

And Natva now lives to protect his new home.


Type Aspect
High Concept: An ex-Gladiator that fell of grace after a rebellion
Motivation: I’ll protect this place that accepted me, the Fartime Elysium
Background: Cursed as a Skunk-man - From two people, rejected by both
Relationship: Delaware accepted me, even with my condition, and we’ll stay together as long he wants
Free: Still dealing with his new condition

Approaches and Skills

Careful (B) Clever (C) Flashy (E) Forceful (D) Quick (A) Sneaky (F)
Fair (+2) Fair (+2) Average (+1) Average (+1) Good (+3) Mediocre (+0)
Investigate (Z) Craft Rapport Fight Athletics (S) Burglary
Will Lore (Z) Contacts Physique Notice Stealth
Empathy (S) Provoke Resources (Z) Drive (Z) Shoot (Z) Deceive

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • Skunk Miasma: Can Attack with Shoot with the Approach using this stink jolt. Never can be Disarmed.
    • Stink bomb: On a successfull with a style attack_ with the Skunk Miasma, can reduce the Stress by one and create a Stinking zone. It works like a Weapon 1 Barricade
  • Martial Style: Weapon 1 when attacking bare-handed with Athletics. However, on a Failure, the target can strike back automatically by paying 1 Fate Point

Delaware, the Shooter

All the Masters of Umdaar needs warriors and lieutenants and other lackey. Some came in the form of slaves, but some are taken under their wings from local people. There’s even those that legitly believes the Masters wants everyone’s wellbeing, and that slaves and rebels are subversive scroundels and culgels at large.

Delaware was one of those men.

From a family aligned with some of the Masters, he was trained since a child to be a soldier, until he became one of the Master’s many lieutenants, receiving orders straigth from himself, and receiving from him his Plasma Crossbow, that he skillfully used to kill ciminals and subversives.

That untli he saw the truth.

When he came back home from a common mission, he found it empty. Father, Mother, brothers… All gone. No message. No nothing.

He searched and searched all aroung the Dread Domain, when he found his father’s diary, and discovered his father wanted to tackle down the Master, as he know all the criminal horrors the Master did, how he use slaves and rebels (like Natva) on terrible experiments, how he throw children as staple to the laser-bears.

Disiluded and lost on himself, Delaware defected the Master, looking for his family.

If the Master was the one behind their abduction, certainly it would not reveal: Delaware always was strong, only his loyalty avoided him to rise an insurgency against the Master.

But there would have a chance that at least some of his family was safe under Archeonauts protections, or under the Freelands that fight against the Masters’ incursions.

With only his crossbow, he became a Soldier of Fortune, looking for clues for his family. Obviously, he got into Freelands and they discovered his past and, even under some (justified, to be honest) grudge, they accept (somewhat) him under their banners.

But, even helping the Freelands and Archeonauts, he is drive to find his family.

And, if the Master was his abductor, Delaware have a called shot for him


Type Aspect
High Concept: A Human Shooter that fails no shots, but has a shady past
Motivation: My family disappeared, and I want to discover why
Background: Defector from the Masters’ troops
Relationship: Natva is an pitiful outcast like me, and so have my back
Free: A painful truth is better then a sugar-coated lie

Approaches and Skills

Careful (B) Clever (D) Flashy (F) Forceful (C) Quick (A) Sneaky (E)
Fair (+2) Average (+1) Mediocre (+0) Fair (+2) Good (+3) Average (+1)
Investigate (S) Craft Rapport Fight Athletics Burglary
Will Lore (Z) Contacts Physique Notice (Z) Stealth
Empathy (Z) Provoke Resources Drive (Z) Shoot (S) Deceive (Z)

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • Plasma Crossbow: Weapon: 1
    • Plasma: When Successful with Style when attacking with the Crossbow, I can reduce Stress in 1 to place an Plasmaburn Aspect on the hitted target, with a Free Invoke, as long the targer is inflammable
  • Battle Senses: while on a Conflict, I can use Notice to Defend myself as by the Approach

Willamina “Willa” Rabbitt, a coelha branca

A pequena Willamina Rabbit (cujo nome só soube devido aos bordados em suas roupas de bebê) cresceu sendo empurrada de orfanato em orfanato no norte da Bretanha, cruzando as fronteiras da Escócia, Gales e Inglaterra livremente. Sempre mau-tratada pelos mais velhos, devido à sua aparência estranha, ela viveu em orfanatos desde que se entende por gente. Uma investigação da Fundação rastreou informações sobre um Culto e sobre como experiências bizarras envolvendo uma modificação de crianças por meio de Occultech para criar fábulas e mitos modernos foi descoberto. O Culto foi capturado e todas as pesquisas enviadas para a Ilha Occultar, junto com um dos poucos resultados que descobriu-se legítimo: uma menina de Aberdeen foi misturada com o que se acredita serem pelos do Coelho Branco, Senescal da Rainha de Copas, uma aberração extraplanar segundo os resultados da Investigação. Ela teria desenvolvido poderes relacionados ao tempo e a sincronicidade. Essa garota foi obtida pelo grupo de maneiras ainda não determinadas e, após ter sido transformada, foi enviada a orfanatos por alguma razão desconhecida. O nome dela é Willamina Rabbit

Willamina deseja amizade acima de tudo, mas o estresse que sofreu quando criança a tornou extremamente tensa e tímida, sendo ocasionalmente difícil de lidar, em especial pelo fato de vestir-se de maneira altamente anacrônica, usando relógios e cartas de baralho como acessórios de maneira estranhas (há quem diga que algumas delas sejam Occultech). Além disso, barulhos altos e desordem a deixam realmente tensa. Além disso, ela ODEIA estar atrasada, a um ponto patológico.

Diferentemente da maioria dos Newtype que possuem aparência muito humana, seu rosto é quase lapino: lábios leporinos mostrando dentes incisivos um pouco avançados, pele alva, grandes olhos azuis com iris de tamanho enorme, cabelo branco e tão encaracolado que chega quase a ser felpudo e orelhas que são maiores que a própria cabeça (e isso é perceptível quando ela se chateia e as orelhas caem).


  • Student ID # AXF06-2540
  • Nascida em Aberdeen, Escócia
  • Data de Nascimento: 4 de Julho
  • Altura 1,53m (1,83, contando orelhas)
  • Peso 55 kg
  • Olhos Azuis com grandes irises
  • Cabelos Brancos, meio felpudos
  • Características: Rosto lapino, lábios leporinos, grandes orelhas
  • Tipo Sanguineo: AB+
  • Gosta de: Momentos calmos, livros, relógios, chapéus, baralhos, roupas lolita e steampunk, a cor vermelha, chá
  • Não gosta de: Agitação, barulhos altos (em especial explosivos), desordem, café, atrasos


Tipo Aspecto
Conceito Uma elegante meio-coelha saída do País das Maravilhas (Literalmente?!)
Talento Sincronicidade sobrenatural (Newtype)
Estudante Todos os horários estão na minha agenda
Drive Quero ser amiga das pessoas, mas elas são tão estranhas
  Baralhos e xícaras de chá… Relógios e Cartolas…


Abordagem Nível
Ágil A
Cuidadoso C
Esperto B
Estiloso B
Poderoso C
Sorrateiro D


  • Sem querer querendo: +2 ao Criar Vantagens sendo Esperta ao realizar algo que possa aparentemente ser não intencional.
  • È tarde, é tarde, é tarde!: +2 ao Superar obstáculos relacionados ao momentos certos (chegar na aula no momento certo)
  • “Que orelhas enormes você tem:” +2 ao Superar e Criar Vantagem para notar barulhos estranhos ou ouvir coisas que não deveria. Entretanto, qualquer falha é tratada automáticamente como sucesso a custo


  • Willamina é na verdade uma criatura do País das Maravilhas (literalmente). Seus objetivos na Terra são obscuros, mas está do lado da humanidade (até onde se sabe)
  • Willamina é na verdade uma Phooka, uma fada nascida dos sonhos das pessoas
  • Willamina na verdade é uma extraterrestre, seus pais tendo morrido em um acidente ao cairem na Terra

O Clube dos Jogos Mentais Clássicos

  • Conceito: Clube dos Jogos Mentais Clássicos
  • Objetivos: Preservar a existência e materialidade dos Clássicos Jogos de Tabuleiro (de antes da segunda metade do Século XX)
  • Problema: Clássicos que não possuem apelos para pessoas comuns


  • Willamina Rabbitt
    • Especialista em Jogos de Carta
  • Shindou Akira
    • Especialista em Go, 2º Ano
    • Diz ser possuído pelo fantasma de um jogador de Go do Passado Remoto
  • Yelena Griegskaya
    • Jogadora de Xadrez e Shougi, 1º Ano
    • Diz ser “abençoada por Baba Yaga”
  • Robert Willows
    • Jogador Inveterado de Damas e Gamão, 1º Ano
    • Aperentemente tem uma Serendipidade Sobrenatural
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