K-23, Scholastic Android from the Past (it/it)


Type Aspect
High Concept: Automaton Scholar from before the Masters’ Ascension
Motivation: Learn what happened to the ones I was created by
Background: The world changed a lot. Need to learn about this new world
Relationship: Interesting people I have around…. New Directive: observe and counsel
Free: Need to take the arrivists self-called Masters down

Approaches and Skills

Careful (A) Clever (B) Flashy (D) Forceful (E) Quick (D) Sneaky (C)
Good (+3) Fair (+2) Average (+1) Average (+1) Mediocre (+0) Fair (+2)
Investigate (S) Craft Rapport Fight (Z) Athletics Burglary
Will (Z) Lore (S) Contacts (Z) Physique Notice Stealth (Z)
Empathy Provoke (Z) Resources Drive Shoot Deceive

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • X-Ray Vision: While Overcoming vision-related Obstacles using Investigate, any roll will become a step best on result (Failures became Ties, Ties become Sucesses, Sucesses become Sucesses with Style), and no vision-related Aspects can be Forced or Invoked against it Once per scene
  • Encyclopediac Memory: +2 on Overcome Obstacles with Lore when using the sheer amounts of data and knowledge stored on its data banks
  • Tactical Mastery: On a Conflict, by sacrificing all his actions (including Defenses), he can provide +2 Teamwork bonus for all his allies on a number of Zones equals his lore

Han T’si, the Rabbitoh Weaponmaster


Type Aspect
High Concept: A Rabbitoh Weaponmaster that saw too much horror on Umdaar even being so young
Motivation: Gather the Demiurge Knowledge to improve everyone’s life
Background: The young face that hides the old heart
Relationship: “How interesting is this Demiurge stuff… Think we can use this…“
Free: No one can escape from my bolas

Approaches and Skills

Careful (B) Clever (A) Flashy (C) Forceful (F) Quick (E) Sneaky (D)
Fair (+2) Good (+3) Fair (+2) Mediocre (+0) Average (+1) Average (+1)
Investigate (S) Craft (S) Rapport (Z) Fight Athletics Burglary
Will (Z) Lore Contacts Physique Notice (Z) Stealth (Z)
Empathy Provoke (Z) Resources Drive Shoot Deceive

Stunts: [Refresh: 3]

  • Tidbits from the Demiurge: +2 to Overcome Obstacles related with the lack of knowledge on the Demiurge and his Technologi with Lore
  • Jury-rig: +2 on Creating Advantages using Crafts while trying to use some kind of equipment he really don’t have at time
  • Bolas: By becoming Disarmed, +2 on Attack with Shoot. If Sucessful, reduce Stress by 1 to put a Grappled Aspect with a Free Invoke (2 on Success with Style)

Grace, the Element-Bender


Type Aspect
High Concept: A small orphan raised in the Fartime Monastery
Motivation: I want to discover why I was left behind
Background: A superior mind, hunter by others
Relationship: Everyone is so nice with me, I’ll protect them
Free: Still have issues to control the Element-Bending powers

Approaches and Skills

Careful (B) Clever (A) Flashy (E) Forceful (F) Quick (C) Sneaky (D)
Fair (+2) Good (+3) Average (+1) _Mediocre (+0) Fair (+2) Average (+1)
Investigate (Z) Craft Rapport Fight Athletics (Z) Burglary (Z)
Will (S) Lore (S) Contacts Physique Notice Stealth
Empathy Provoke (Z) Resources (Z) Drive Shoot Deceive

Stunts: [Refresh: 2]

  • Elemental Bending: As long there’s enough of the Elements she knows how to bend somewhere, she can use Lore to bend those elements. She receive +2 when Create Advantages using the Elements. Each Element counts as 1 Stunt and she can bend Water, Air, Light and Fire.
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